Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 However , definition of these latter events perhaps must be that they are unnecessitated events .
2 It must be said then of the attempt to re-read the history or literature of the past , that the only motivation for doing so can be that one is a Christian .
3 But it just may be that now , when we 've got rid of so many wrong ideas , now , at last , is the moment when we might be able to frame — an answer . ’
4 She shook her head slightly , trying to clear her thoughts , but a tiny suspicion , the merest thread of possibility persisted : it just might be that the man whose initial scattered the pages of Elise 's diary before abruptly ceasing , three weeks before her death , could have some bearing on the mystery .
5 It also may be that Gregory 's references to Thuringia have more relevance to the Merovingian family than to the Franks .
6 But given the fact that names in such cases do behave as rigid designators , the question is , does the referential rigidity provide a sufficient criterion for distinguishing names from descriptions , and the answer to this clearly must be that it does not .
7 And for the women you know I mean it 's i in a situation you probably I do n't know you know this comment that , Oh my my wife 's gon na nag me back to work , or whatever that was made in the beginning probably could be that the women were saying , Oh my God you know we ca n't afford to have you on strike just accept it you know just I 'm definitely not I think really they have felt they have really changed fund fundamentally they 've found a self confidence that they can say no you know it 's not good enough .
8 Yet , at the end of a week of alternating euphoria and gloom , the sober verdict so far must be that the military side of this war is going well for the allies .
9 Erm but our summary really would be that if one followed the County Councils proposals , this county would end up with a severe housing shortage .
10 Now this is rather a banal claim I suppose that erm the proper function of government is to manage things well , I mean who would have doubted that , but the other claim that governments , one of the roles of governments is to improve the citizens is more surprising , particularly for a liberal view and there 's a more standard liberal position now would be that the moral well-being citizens is not a proper matter of governmental concern .
11 But the objection here might be that the suggested paraphrase merely involves a surreptitious quantification over propositions .
12 Prayer here could be that the Christians would be strengthened in their witness through the Wimber meetings and that there will be a strong witness to Germany from the March .
13 The conclusion then must be that the minimum contribution of education to economic growth during the two periods was 0.35 per cent and 0.67 per cent respectively .
14 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
15 And the rewards then would be that erm from the interviewers point of view he be you know viewed as more intelligent , self-confident , industrious all this sort of thing , make him say determined , erm more understandable to the interviewer obviously , and also the there He 's more likely to be well liked by the interviewer , and that 's Because of that not only his voice but the content of what he 's actually saying is gon na be more favourably looked upon .
16 The general conclusion , therefore must be that the overall effect , whether negative or positive , of existing taxation rates on the work effort , and hence on economic growth , is negligible in spite of the apocalyptic assertions and rhetoric from various quarters .
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