Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] by their " in BNC.

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1 For example , a man with a hundred head of cattle , sheep and goats trains his son to know them by their colour only or by their size and type of horns , while every one of them has a special name .
2 Rumour and uncertainty abound , suggesting , this week , that pupils ' achievements will be measured by formal test rather than by their teachers ' assessment .
3 In fact , such sounds may be picked up in their whiskers , resonating like guitar strings , rather than by their ears .
4 The population of Snaith has doubled in the past 25 years but it is still small enough to ‘ know everybody ’ ; ask for people by name , rather than by their address !
5 These reforms have encouraged some historians to see the Despensers as ‘ much more than greedy and irresponsible favourites ’ , but their contemporaries judged them by their behaviour towards other landowners and by their position at court , rather than by their responsibility , however great it was , for what were essentially technical reforms in government .
6 The new charters were likely to have been written in the royal chancery rather than by their recipients , permitting greater uniformity , a more dispositive note , and the regular appearance of only a few royal officials as witnesses .
7 According to their argument , above a certain level greater welfare benefits can act as a work disincentive , encouraging people to remain below the poverty line and be supported by the state rather than by their own efforts , which would have to be the case if benefits were lower .
8 Users had to present their data in ways laid down by the DP department ; they found themselves bound by the DP department 's priorities rather than by their own ; and , in addition , they had to compete with colleagues for use of the computer 's facilities .
9 17.1 This agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties save as augmented by any side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement[s] ] exchanged contemporaneously with this agreement and signed by the parties hereto or by their duly authorised agents which side letter [ s ] [ or agreement[s] ] shall take effect either as a collateral agreement to this agreement or if it [ they ] shall be incorporated by express reference all the terms and conditions of such side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement [ s ] ] shall be treated as being a single composite agreement with this agreement and subject thereto there are no other arrangements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement It may be advisable to include an arbitration provision , either to deal with any particular point in the agreement or to attempt to resolve disputes in general .
10 This is not a tenable interpretation of rule 12.12 of the Rules of 1986 , given the clear language of paragraph ( 1 ) of the rule and given also that by their nature proceedings under the Insolvency Act 1986 can not be expected to be addressed by Ord. 11 , r. 1 .
11 By their venality as well as by their failure , these papal emissaries left behind them no very happy impression among the English of aliens or cardinals .
12 The original patterns have been reinforced by the subsequent arrival of relations and others from the same parts of the world , as well as by their high birth rate-the result of relatively high fertility and young average age .
13 In so doing , they would appear to be influenced by what they consider will be necessary to prove the matter in court as well as by their own , sometimes unenlightened , opinion of what ‘ true ’ rape really is .
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