Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] leave [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
2 They do n't really contribute as much as they could , so that leaves me with an awful lot of space .
3 So where does all that leave me ?
4 Christina decided he looked happy enough and left him to enjoy himself .
5 You know I think we 've gone over it long enough and leave it to see the er
6 He motioned them inside and left them .
7 He led her inside and left her at one side of the room , walking softly away and stopping to face her at the other side .
8 There were limits to the range of territory that could be held together in this way in the sixteenth century : towards the end of his life Charles V abdicated and retired to a monastery , leaving his German lands and his title of Holy Roman Emperor to the line of his brother Ferdinand , even though he would probably have preferred to keep the entire empire together and leave it to his son Philip .
9 Mr Khasbulatov said compromise could be reached ‘ if the president addresses the congress and says : ‘ I was wrong … let's form a government together and leave it alone .
10 He looked as though a cannonball had hit him amidships and left him with a hollow chest and a permanent arch in his back .
11 She must have sensed that one day I would be leaving her again , and that nearly broke my heart , knowing the sadness she must feel all too well in my experiences with lovers who never stayed long but left me feeling as if part of me had been torn from my body .
12 To me , in a book containing so many emotions , I find dialogue really important because it lets me know exactly how the character is feeling rather than leaving me to make my own assumptions which are often wrong .
13 I keep everything loose in glass jars ( you can wash and save any that you buy ) , which prolongs their life , rather than leaving them in the packets .
14 The challengers have also all adopted a slightly different approach to PageMaker in that they have provided many of the creation tools within the desktop publishing program rather than leaving them to the more specialised stand-alone products .
15 The NUWM was at the centre of most of the violent clashes with the police in the early 1930s , though this tactic was later changed to the more peaceful and probably more effective " hunger march " which took the unemployed through the countryside and down to London rather than leaving them isolated in the Distressed Areas .
16 It may also turn out Mr Livingstone lost because more constituencies this year balloted their full membership , rather than leaving it to their activist general committees to decide .
17 So perhaps another note for Mr Patten 's no doubt very full in-tray is to look again at the decision to close down the body responsible for developing Milton Keynes , and start a new government initiative to encourage more new settlements throughout the region , rather than leaving it to private consortia to chance their arms through a development control system which seems unable to accommodate new initiatives in planning .
18 We appreciate your concern in allowing ‘ strangers ’ to live in your home but it is better to have your home cared for rather than leaving it empty .
19 With these funds at their disposal , various governments , central banks or monetary authorities actively supported Arab bank involvement in the recycling operation rather than leaving it entirely to non-Arab banks .
20 Little considerations such as replacing a magazine in the rack rather than leaving it lying on the couch , bringing the milk in off the step or refilling the ice cube tray , and a thousand little tailor-made considerations .
21 To repeat , however , the interpretation of competitive strength as current strength is preferable , because it focuses the dynamic management of the group portfolio on the grid itself , rather than leaving it as an inference of the underlying analysis .
22 Naturally we will exercise discretion , but we wish to make the sharing of information normal , rather than leaving it up to the client to make the case for access .
23 ‘ I suppose we are right to send you and Jeremy out to get Tristram rather than leave him to take the full consequences ? ’ he said reflectively , as he loaded her and her possessions into his car and took the wheel .
24 Rather than leave him in pace , the minotaur , video monitors blinking in its belly , hydraulic arms swinging over the crowd , turns round for a second go …
25 This will create incentives to improve property , rather than leave it undeveloped .
26 Not only is he generally responsible for the system but he also receives all appeals from refusals of permission , and has the power to call in any application for decision by himself rather than leave it with the district council .
27 By the time word got out that the whole thing had been a spoof , there was a sizeable demand for the book and , rather than leave it at that , Jean Shepard was persuaded to write the book proper .
28 The dual membership was described by OMG president , Chris Stone , as a move to ‘ integrate and coordinate each organisations technology developments at conception rather than leave it until specifications are out . ’
29 Amdahl Corp believes that its Huron applications development and production system is a winner , and rather than leave it stranded on the mainframe under MVS , it is taking it along in the direction the market is moving with two new versions , one that runs under its UTS implementation of Unix System V on its mainframes , the other for Unix workstations , the first version of the latter being for 80486-based machines under Unix .
30 And I think it 's much better to get a clear understanding from the market stall at that stage rather than leave it till later .
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