Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right where we want you , ’ a quiet voice completed her sentence from behind her .
2 Either we use them properly or we get rid of them .
3 He gave me an ultimatum : either get down to training properly or we part company .
4 It probably matters little where we choose that point as long as it is not at infinity .
5 Are all the rest of us to give up and sit on our hands rather than serve humbly where we deserve ? ’
6 I knew that Ben was a good enough footballer to play effectively where we wanted him . ’
7 References to our name will be appropriate only where we have provided a report for publication in a public document or circular , or ( as provided for in the engagement letter ) have otherwise consented to the ‘ form and context ’ in which our name is to appear .
8 Since such rules can be optionally applied to the same basic sentence structures , they provide a linguistic basis for the notion of * In this , as in subsequent chapters , we number examples and extracts only where we need to refer to them in the text .
9 So we 're more or less where we left off last November .
10 Which is more or less where we came in !
11 Many of us become hot under the collar over local issues , whether it is poor transport services , an objection to the proposed siting of an amusement arcade opposite where we live , or the lack of sports and other social facilities .
12 He knew straitly where we lay , and all our dispositions .
13 Skills shortages can be seen daily where we live and work :
14 well we went on a course , for a week up Newcastle and of course er erm we had to be there for nine o'clock so we had to catch the bus , at the latest half past eight so you 're up at you 're up at seven and you get showered and what have you cos there 's a shower in the be bedroom get yourself all ready so you 're down by about erm half seven , quarter to eight , like so you tend to think quarter of an hour to the erm bus stop which is right outside the door of the hotel we were getting so and we use the bus rather than take the car in daily , cos it 's easier so I and er and of course I sat down and had a breakfast and I thoroughly enjo , I did n't have any cereals you know , I says well er and I had a little bit of orange orange juice , but it was this erm made up orange juice
15 Each cycle should take fifty five minutes so we do three sets of role play , well we look at them , look for the cycle to start at quarter past ten first cycle must start at quarter past ten , there four that should be for one o'clock so we commence the third and final role play , come back here and break for lunch and have an hour for lunch final role play at two o'clock .
16 It flagged up certain erm items for concern , better that we know than not , not know them .
17 Better that we get rid of these people in the Labour Party if they do not want our involvement let them go and form their own party , as a trade union ordinarily formed originally formed the Labour Party !
18 Better that we establish priorities of rank from the start . ’
19 There is still much that we do not know ; J. Hartley in a thirty-year survey ended shatteringly : There is a complex job to be done .
20 Much that we read does not seem to affect us very much — if at all .
21 There is still much that we need to know about HIV and AIDS , and we are all learning all of the time .
22 ‘ Some , like the osprey and the peregrine falcon , which flies even more swiftly than we do , almost died out .
23 We have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons now , yet the consensus in this country is apparently that we need to maintain three Trident systems and possibly build a fourth at a total cost of more than £23 billion .
24 We made two hundred and forty five pounds on Thriller of the Year one hundred and nineteen pounds on Tea for Two but that is after we 've made the three hundred pounds donation to Whiston Hospital we made a thousand and eighteen pounds on the panto Wuthering Heights we lost four hundred and nine pounds , but that was basically that we do costume plays and have to hire the erm fixtures and set pieces from Wrightsons or wherever we 're always going to be in this position and I think it 's the tradition of the Garrick that we continue to do them , and I think we have to accept that we may have losses in future on those particular erm things .
25 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
26 So although we 've got a device we must use it with care when working in coastal waters .
27 So although we know the fundamental equations that govern the brain , we are quite unable to use them to predict human behavior .
28 So although we know this today , very few people knew it in nineteen thirteen , and er , nobody knew it before the turn of the century .
29 So although we think that our method is best , we fully realize that you 've got styles , things th which you 've built up over many years .
30 So once we 've decided which company you 'll work within I can come I can provide you with a training course immediately .
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