Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] of their " in BNC.

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1 Likewise , in the Second World War , the Germans , perhaps because of their complacency , never realised that we were breaking the Enigma code .
2 Perhaps because of their circumstances , they shop more carefully .
3 Perhaps because of their colouring , and also because of their romantic associations with decorative herds roaming half-wild across extensive parklands on gentlemen 's estates in days gone by , there have been more imaginative theories about the origins and development of the two colour-pointed breeds , especially the White Park , than about any other breed in Britain .
4 The French red-pied upland breeds have been even more successful than those of the lowlands , perhaps because of their Simmental blood .
5 When the issue is addressed it is skirted around , it seems to us , by the unwillingness of all three of the authors concerned — understandable perhaps because of their daily closeness to the victims of mental illness — to see beyond the pathology of the psychotic state itself ; their failure to appreciate our — or rather Sylvia Plath 's — point made earlier : that when insane the psychotic individual is too preoccupied struggling against overpersonalised or idiosyncratic thoughts to create effectively .
6 The Board 's task would be to help fledgling media and in particular media with extensive readerships but whose inability to attract advertising support , perhaps because of their politics , puts them in constant danger of closing down .
7 Overall , these families frequently tend to be placed in the worst housing or on the worst estates , partly perhaps because of their inability to pay higher rents , and partly because local authorities have always been inclined to allocate poor people and slum dwellers to particular estates ( Gray , 1979 ) .
8 Perhaps because of their journalistic origin , the pieces have not generally been very highly regarded , and are indeed uneven ; but as these performances show , there is more to them than a hastily dashed-off group of salon genre trifles .
9 For pupils of below average ability it is not so unusual to find discussions of the whole curriculum taking place , perhaps because of their perceived ‘ low ’ status or because there are no public examination constraints .
10 Again LEA inspectors suffer more acutely in this respect , perhaps because of their lack of corporate identity — each LEA 's inspectors or advisers are rather isolated from those of other LEAs .
11 However there will be circumstances where sites are not suitable for continued employment use , er perhaps because of their impact on neighbouring residential areas , er and in those circumstances we would want to make compensating
12 This may not correspond to any major structural difference between languages ; for example , the spoken forms of Urdu and Hindi are almost identical but are perceived as different apparently because of their strong association with Muslim and Hindu ethnicity ( Linguistic Minorities Project 1985 : 45 ) .
13 The socialist , the feminist , or the worker who picks up a cheap print of the Memorial Sheet to Karl Liebknecht ( 1919 ) , is not prioritising the formal elements which attracted Max Lehrs as writing , ‘ It would be very regrettable if ( Kollowitz ‘ etchings ) found approval from the public merely because of their social content … = Art should not and can not serve the changing goals of parties . ’
14 The Algerians were denied a second-round place in 1982 only because of their inferior goal difference to both Austria and Wst Germany .
15 They deserve our attention not only because of their clear male-female : superior-inferior blood differentiation , but also because , of all the other blood rituals of covenanting , purifying and cleansing discussed above , only they survived the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70 to remain rites central to the Judaism of today , with the same religious consequences for men and women as in the ancient world .
16 The Electoral Reform Society believes most of those who have gone off the rolls are potential Labour supporters , if only because of their assumed strong opposition to the poll tax .
17 Burns 's poetry and songs have played an important part in my life from the earliest years , not only because of their simple beauty , but also because of their directness , honesty , and wry , lop-sided , humour ; the appreciation of which stood me in good stead the last time I was in Mauchline .
18 These can be regarded as classics of their kind , and are important not only because of their intrinsic interest as dramatic events in history , but also because they illustrate some of the facets of volcanic eruptions which will be discussed in later chapters .
19 Philosophy , although observational , rests upon observations which are open to all — denied only through slips , ignored only because of their obviousness .
20 For Mrs Whitehouse and her supporters , publications such as this were dangerous not only because of their sexual content , but because of their political stance .
21 But a lot of them only made it by the skin of his teeth and are in the party only because of their reputation .
22 It is only because of their similarity with the mosaic found at Kingscote ( pI .
23 As late as 1966 W. A. Robson wrote : ‘ Local authorities have become subservient to the central government , mainly but not entirely because of their excessive dependence on central grants ’ ( p. 149 ) .
24 This is a history of the media , rather than of their times .
25 Since the downfall of military regimes in South America and elsewhere provide clear evidence that no political structure relying solely on coercion can hope to survive for long , we should not be surprised to find that the most effective form of social control involves attempts not to crush opposition but to stop it arising in the first place : that is , by the control of people 's ideas , rather than of their actions .
26 A further complication in the case of a crystalline solid is the possible appearance of lattice modes , which involve motions of whole molecules rather than of their constituent atoms .
27 Largely because of their native climate and sparse grazing , they are small animals standing perhaps 100–110cm at the withers on the islands and weighing 300–350kg , but in improved mainland environments they reach 116–122cm and can weigh 50 per cent more than the island cattle .
28 The results reveal little departure from the traditional view that applicants from large , old-fashioned institutions make the best employees , although UMIST and Loughborough are ranked highly , largely because of their more vocational courses .
29 In most Latin American countries the Communist parties are now an accepted part of the political scene , largely because of their willingness to engage in the horse-trading of Latin American politics .
30 In March 1958 , after seven years of marriage , the Shah and Queen Soraya were divorced , largely because of their inability to have a child together .
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