Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] on " in BNC.

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1 He said this would be all right since on my return I should still be within the age limit for joining the Political Service .
2 Wallington notes that road-blocks ‘ were widely used , especially within and on access roads to Nottinghamshire , but also elsewhere — notably ( for a few days in March 1984 ) at the south entrance to the Dartford tunnel .
3 So much so that on several occasions when obliged to contact him on police matters , Markby had found him positively obstructive .
4 On their left it sloped gently away and on the right it fell sheer , in steep crags .
5 Profuse sweat all over or on one side .
6 But typical Mansell courage and skill took him past his arch rival … and with Patrasse in the pits it was left to Mansell to claim victory … only just though on a set of well worn and blistered tyres .
7 The case where the complainant had seen the assailant only once or on a few occasions before might well be treated as that of identification rather than recognition .
8 It is on the face of it a very simple amendment to a quite a small and in some sense insignificant piece of legislation that is n't , erm I hope members would agree that by changing that piece of legislation to say that if you 're a trader you must display who you are and how people can get hold of you if the have a problem about products they buy from you , will not be too burdensome erm in these days of deregulation and so forth but on the other hand would help enforcements considerably and would also enable people to pursue their own remedies where they are dissatisfied with what they bought .
9 In contrast , local newspapers tend to take cases much less selectively and on occasions will continue to maintain interest in a case which seems unconnected with any other .
10 In his judgement , the Lord Chancellor said , ‘ I am seldom called upon to decide in a case in which I felt so strongly that on one side or the other there had been abominable wickedness . ’
11 She managed so well that on the Wednesday in Hartford she even got her encore , which she had rehearsed and never had the chance to perform , ‘ The Last Rose of Summer ’ .
12 With cooler air , more cloud , and so less sunshine , even grass grows less well than on the lowlands .
13 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
14 Squeeze them together again and on an outward breath let them go again .
15 ‘ And the third man who … said he loved me … ’ and her voice faltered at the words ‘ … loved me so dearly that on hearing the slanders of my assailant he believed every word that he said , and none of mine .
16 On 29 August 1745 the younger Stuart , still only 20 , had slipped secretly away and on 24 October 1745 , while he was on the road , a Treaty of Alliance was drawn up at Fontainebleau , under which the French king promised ‘ James III ’ , as he was styled , to help him against their ‘ common enemy ’ , described , for diplomatic reasons , not as king of England but as Elector of Hanover .
17 In the past few years the appeal system has been successfully used to overcome the resistance of reluctant local authorities , and development has tended to proceed on an ad hoc basis with new centres sited where developers can acquire land easily rather than on the basis of any strategic plan .
18 all in backwards so that on , on April fool 's day or something .
19 The first symptoms which may be felt are hot flushes , night sweats , general anxiety and irritability , loss of self-esteem , insomnia , mood changes , poor memory , loss of confidence , loss of interest in sex and even formication ( the feeling of insects crawling just underneath or on top of the skin , probably caused by changes in the nerve endings ) .
20 There are stories of Elvis being a very generous person , not just financially but on a personal basis …
21 ‘ East or west all woods must fail ’ is then a statement of exactly the same class as ‘ The Road goes ever on and on ’ : literally true , literally unhelpful or even banal , but in its literal truth making a symbolic promise .
22 A cost of living index based more widely than on wheat , gives the estimates in Table 7.4 .
23 As the days passed I might have been telling him the truth , for I lost weight far more successfully than on any diet I have ever attempted .
24 But the Thatcherite counter-revolution is much more all-encompassing : it is an assault on social democracy and all that that term entails , just as much if not more so than on simply ‘ taking out ’ pockets of resistance in specific local areas .
25 None more so than on their debut single , ‘ Novice ’ , wherein the crunching cruise that is ‘ Cushy Daughter ’ slam-dances its way into the spotlight .
26 Although unladen with any climbing gear — even the daysack was being carried by Singi — I was finding it a hard struggle to make upward progress in the thin , cold air ; surprisingly more so than on Mera Peak when ice-axe , crampons and heavy climbing boots had been used .
27 It would be very suitable for horses , even more so than on the present roads there 's there 's there 's a better grip .
28 It does ; but Nozick is able to show more generally that on his account that principle fails , and ( which is perhaps more important ) to explain its failure .
29 potato head cos he has trouble getting things over his head , and especially off , it hurts more off than on do n't it when er
30 Information stored may be accessed more rapidly than on floppy disks and far greater amounts of data may be stored , typically 20M as opposed to 1.2M for a floppy disk .
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