Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] who [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So if you need to approach someone who has n't seen you , you should touch them to show you are there , especially someone who may be confused .
2 It 's only you who ca n't follow the play .
3 The second view is that Judas told the chief priests that Jesus had claimed to be some sort of Messiah ; perhaps one who would lead a rebellion against the Romans .
4 Oh I see so there 's only one who can
5 All in a day 's work for the hundreds of people involved in the various stages — but there is perhaps only one who will have witnessed everything that has happened .
6 And er there was only one who could n't take part and he was in the fire brigade and could n't take part because they were er his employers .
7 In this respect , adult responsibility , in its true magnitude , is frightening , for it is only they who can perform this onerous task .
8 This can , of course , create very undesirable consequences : social stability may be endangered by concentration of too much power and/ or wealth in too few hands ; the privacy of citizens may be abused under the excuse of maintaining law and order , or for commercial gains ; the state may take a " big brother " role ; the business community may acquire too much political power ; or , although very unlikely , IT experts may decide that they should take over the running of the country , since it is only they who can understand the unnecessary complexity of IT systems .
9 The youngest son always knew it was only he who would pass the ogre and find the Grail .
10 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
11 So anyone who can offer timber — should contact The Shakespeare Globe Trust , Bear Gardens , Bankside , London SE1 9EE , 071 928 7710 .
12 To you I 'm just someone who ca n't be left in your house alone . ’
13 He 's not just someone who can communicate a point well ; he sums up the point in himself .
14 ‘ I think when you first go into the Home , you 're frightened because you think you 'll be treated possibly as a cabbage or just somebody who ca n't do anything for themselves and that you may be completely dependent on people and you want to be independent .
15 Oh it 'll likely have been about Blair Gowrie or Pitlochry or some place , just anybody who would have taken him in .
16 After 10 years at top level , it 's a pity that Ben still has n't understood that you can never be the best climber sin the world , because there is always someone who will do something better in a given area of the sport .
17 And would an an apprentice , like somebody who 'd say served say five years as their time , once their time was out would it be common for them to be kept on ?
18 Beside the note , lying on the bare boards , Vanessa and her cohorts ( she had two brothers ; it was probably they who 'd come with her to empty the house ) had left a neat pile of broken glass , in case he was sufficiently moved by her entreaty to end his life there and then .
19 Lets face it just about everyone who can kick a ball scored against him last year ! ! !
20 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
21 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
22 Even he who may be paying for them !
23 The Ashes summer of ‘ 89 saw almost everyone who could speak English getting a game .
24 She felt all alone ‘ Was there one who would come down to help a young girl , desperate with fear , ready to be set upon by a mob ?
25 Now I , I mean I , okay I 'm only one person , I mean is round the table is there anybody who can say that if
26 George is a quiet , internal person , but is ready to talk to almost anyone who will listen .
27 The new Assistant Director of ASH , replacement for Joyce Epstein , who left in March , is actually someone who will already be familiar to many Supporters .
28 He would marry another heiress , she knew that quite well , almost certainly one who would take him for his title , regardless of his character and conduct .
29 He may be able to command as large an audience as anyone , yet he remains one of the least showy of performers , preserving a musical integrity and discrimination that deserved a better conductor than Elio Boncompagni , and certainly one who might have persuaded more sophisticated playing from a dispirited Royal Philharmonic .
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