Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll then pass the information on so that eventually everyone in the road knows .
2 ‘ The old woman who was the nurse died with only me in the room , ’ said Mrs Bumble .
3 Only me in the office .
4 Out of the last discussion , titled The Merseyside Perspective , came the idea for a new umbrella organisation to bring together everyone in the business locally .
5 I think all the many ideas which have been proposed , the , the challenging thoughts , they will make a most enormous contribution to the discussions which we all will be having , and I think , not only ourselves in the voluntary sector , but those elsewhere also .
6 2.24 This type of person can be compared with a younger man in a less promising position , or perhaps someone in a hazardous occupation such as a steel erector or a steeplejack .
7 Obviously someone in the guild 's hierarchy — perhaps the clerk — would have acted as ‘ master of ceremonies ’ , informing guild members of their required attendance and possibly liaising with the parish priest and sexton on behalf of the family .
8 Perhaps somebody in the EMI top management will rattle a few cages in their American office and get them to take note of Mr Lewis 's efforts for the British market .
9 Then he set Mick off into another spasm of laughter when he asked , ‘ Do you think I could get a job alongside you in the factory ? ’
10 You depend only on yourself — no matter who 's with you in training , it 's only you in the ring .
11 There 's only one in the bloody phone book !
12 There 's only one in the top ten at the moment
13 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
14 Erm , where you might use P S P , is when you 've got a client now , who 's anticipated buying perhaps something in the future .
15 Literally everything in the room starts vibrating to the beat of the bass drum .
16 but now they 're all set up and I 'm left alone and the children , three of them , have n't got time to look after me to give me what I , what I need and especially one in the truth , that one is less getting in touch with me than the ones that told me the truth , boys ring me , twice , three times a week , Julia rings every , every night , but Ted rings twice or three times a week , three times I could go , the one
17 So everybody in the world knows you were late
18 So everybody in the area is going to receive , er a house , house , house visit ?
19 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
20 This arrangement obliges anyone sitting there to turn his head around sharply towards the left if he wants to see A … — especially anyone in the fourth chair , which is the farthest away .
21 So he in the paper then asking farmers , anybody had a tractor and a mower if they cut a certain section of the road .
22 In the village he had noticed an old crumbling building with the word ‘ SCHOOL ’ outside it , and he had seen children a little younger than himself disappear inside it in the mornings then reappear sometime in the afternoon .
23 A : You can take out a policy from as little as £4.50 per month , covering only yourself in the event of hospitalisation .
24 So what in the end got decided ? ’
25 Yes means a time for us to be together , us and only us in a place that is beautiful and special and quiet and does n't know just how amazing a love is about to transform it into one of those Indian summer memories that make deaf old ladies grin knowingly , when you think they are dead in a deckchair on the sea front .
26 No there 's just them in the office .
27 Soon nothing in the world existed but the heat of their bodies and the fiery threads that seemed to connect her skin to her innermost core .
28 Yeah , yeah except that that is just nothing in the end .
29 And because this is a strong push for influence , it does n't work with people who are keenly aware of their position above you in a hierarchy , and who need to feel very much that they 're the boss .
30 And I tried to fix it to the door and it would n't , I tried to do it up with Blu-Tack and would have none of it , I tried to do it with Sellotape and would n't do it the Sellotape kept on coming away something in the varnish I think that resisted that so then I thought , right I 'll I 'll tie the thing up in someway , I forget how , and blew away went down the drive !
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