Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 I 'd just get a couple of bags for a Saturday night or whatever and then eventually I just got into it deeper and deeper .
2 Only someone else got there first . ’
3 " When I was dealing with the men personally I generally got them to see matters from my point of view , but unfortunately I could not stay in any one port for any length of time ; my subordinates did not have the same control over men as I did " .
4 So I just get it cos I 've only heard you say that before I do n't actually really know what it meant .
5 So I just got busier and busier .
6 So I just got up and did it .
7 I had n't really sorted anything out socially or whatever and so I just got back into it .
8 and I was gon na get pizza , but there was n't , there was n't any so I just got chips and sausage .
9 So I just got another bucket , threw it over her head , stuck the hose up her jumper , believe , she had to go home .
10 so , you know , I looked under the bonnet , I could n't understand it at all tt , er , so I eventually got a lift and got a ride down into Malham and er , went in the telephone box there
11 I was hotter and hotter and then he er said I was short in one bag , so I quickly get some more , then when I turned round two people had disappeared under the queue behind me . .
12 I do n't like it when they 're sitting on the floor in front of the counter with their legs like that and they 're sitting there and you 're looking at the video and you think , well , I ca n't get that because that was made in nineteen-eighty-six and they might think I 'm a bit weedy , so I better get something that was made recently .
13 Perhaps she even got Grandma thinking the same , not realizing that Grandma was a person who needed the near-replica of her childhood to make a background for her life ; and that although she gave , she also received .
14 Perhaps she never got home .
15 Well perhaps she only gets two pence a week pocket money and she saves one penny .
16 So I mean do think that perhaps you still got a lot , a bit of unnecessary and indeed and we er will not .
17 Even so she almost got away with it , and four times had game point .
18 So you just get worse and worse and worse on these days .
19 So you just got rid of them .
20 she says you 've , you 've had it , you 're right in so you better get yourself organized .
21 So you quickly get back so it 's pointing at my one two three directory , so if I do M D
22 So you really got the big three institutions , but unfortunately , like everything else , they grew and grew and grew and grew , and there 's forty five engineering institutions !
23 So we just get away from the model now , and see what happens in reality .
24 So we just get them in , we open up our doors at ten o'clock .
25 And erm and then we went and got my fruit and veg and then we went in Top Marks and got them so we never got we went through for a video really , never got round to looking for a video did we ?
26 The course was designed to increase the times from the 100 seconds or so we usually get at Peterborough with one section working upstream on the jet .
27 We had a tea break which was only supposed to be for ten minutes , but the men took exception to this so we usually got a bit longer .
28 So we do three so we only get paid for thirty nine hours a week instead of forty .
29 So we then get sodium chloride and hydrogen hydroxide .
30 so they just get it out
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