Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] still " in BNC.

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1 I pour it into the remainder of my old drink , so that it still tastes faintly of orange juice .
2 The release of the husband from his obligations under the mortgage ( as in Precedent 5 ) will not release him from the covenants for title implied under s76(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 by his having charged the property as beneficial owner ( The Conveyancer , 1982 , p252 ) ; this lack of complete release however is necessary for the mortgagee so that it still has the covenant for further assurance in the event that a defect in title becomes apparent and some mortgagees insist on a specific covenant to this effect .
3 exactly , so if it still happens in the future we have n't moved full forward have we ?
4 I got to the printers with my Boy George piece and it was finally time to say , ‘ Look , this is only a thousand words long and I still have n't got to the interview .
5 We have had a lot of fun together and we still shall .
6 Let's not go into the specifics of the court case just now David Lightbown , what I want to say to you , do you think it 's a case , some people might perhaps unjustifiably but they still would say that those people who are bullied are bullied because they are nonconformists and in the military one has to conform and many people
7 Cock fights , however , are still legal in six of the United States , perhaps because we still eat chicken regularly , but no longer dogs .
8 Parents with an existing mortgage are eligible , so long as they still own a large enough chunk of the equity .
9 Oh , yes , he was himself again , he would be trailing this glory after him for as long as it still shed lustre .
10 ‘ So long as he still has silver to pay us with , ’ Flodwig said .
11 wear out and me throw it away than it still be good and do n't know what to do with it , you know , you 're thinking
12 Well from when you first had the operation and you was frightened keep bumping into you , and it 's , I mean that 's taken an awful lot of confidence away and you still got
13 She 'll be here soon and I still have to decide what to wear today .
14 But then you might feel that you 're going backwards but you still just modify your position to keep that gap there .
15 Just take him away while you still can .
16 As such they might be graded in height to match variations in status , just as they still are in respect of sovereign and consort at state openings of the British Parliament .
17 See , right if he still was n't speaking to me properly I would n't have brought that off him !
18 But none of the larger firms has done so yet , so the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that either they prefer to live dangerously or they still do n't believe that anyone would actually go after them for their personal assets .
19 Perhaps he fancies me like so he still did n't take no notice .
20 Butter and margarine papers were kept for greasing and lining cake tins etcetera and I still do it .
21 God forgave my sins yesterday and I still remember them ; does he have amnesia ?
22 Yeah I know and it 's it 's not my fault I mean like if I still have the proper lessons every week , which I do n't seem to get .
23 In fact , during 1943–44 Albert played in every outfield position at least once and he still scored goals that set the fans ' interest alight .
24 Come forth if you still haunt this place , damned being ! ’
25 So you do need to look at that page very carefully and I still get tied up sometimes and have to do a few crossings out .
26 I did it willingly because I still loved his company so much , but I had little money .
27 ‘ The sex object , ’ quipped Maria , a sweet clenching sensation assailing her loins as she reflected on the helplessness of her response to his torrid lovemaking , resentment rising a second later because she still lacked any semblance of control over their relationship .
28 Publishers , for all their short term concerns and justifiable scepticisms about gimmicks and gadgetry , need to consider their futures very carefully while they still have some options .
29 erm Also while she still lived , he had been of course inhibited from putting down on paper very much of a novel which , now largely formed in his mind , and in which sexual abnormality would play erm at least a considerable part .
30 Her initial nerves had all gone now although it still felt strange to be on a catwalk rather than the carpeted floor of the room at the Grand Hotel .
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