Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
2 Since they have been disturbed and more than a little frightened in the process they will vacate the burrow , will very likely feed and then either lie rough on the surface somewhere or go to ground in a completely fresh burrow system .
3 I can er either buy one in Asda or somewhere or forget about it and have a fresh tree .
4 Choose one of the ideas below or decide on your own Thinking Day theme .
5 When comparing fractions some pupils may compare numerators only or select as the largest fraction the one which has the largest numerator and largest denominator .
6 But sometimes you ca n't even identify an intervening variable , they just seem to have occurred together or arise in some way .
7 For the pulsing of the walls was slow and vegetal and the pillars soared and rose in a tracery of veins and she was in a hollow in some living thing with no way out above or below nor escape to the sides .
8 In travelling around Australia I soon found out there was not too much of my kind of thing — little enough that feel within my category of the picturesque .
9 Left alone , often with children to support , former women compositors could do no better than ask for their old jobs back .
10 If you are elderly or widowed , organisations like Age Concern and CRUSE will actually help you with the practical details and , if not in either of these categories , you could do no better than go to your nearest Citizens ' Advice Bureau for some help .
11 In those days parents did not complain at such authoritarian behaviour — they knew better than argue with Mr. Russ who was a greatly respected member of the community .
12 It was France 's inexplicable failure to do better than draw with Cyprus in Limassol that helped Scotland to qualify for Italia '90 ahead of Michel Platini 's team .
13 So whatever level of runner you are you ca n't do better than get into the Mizuno powerhouse .
14 To understand the importance of these procedural developments , we can hardly do better than conclude with a comparison : Blackstone 's graphic and dismaying picture of the damage being done in England by entails .
15 On a more phenomenological level , if we wanted some visual analogue to the associationist view of mental life we could not do much better than think of one of those ‘ psychedelic ’ slide-shows popular in the late 1960s , in which lights were projected through oil , producing coloured globs which met , merged and repelled in a series of kaleidoscopic patterns .
16 Reading around for background to Shakespeare is valuable , and you ca n't do better than begin with the Harley Granville Barker 's Prefaces to Shakespeare , which analyse the plays from both a scholarly and dramatic angle , without being ponderously academic .
17 If having encountered , say , the Rite , Petrushka , and Firebird , you wish to make further inroads into Stravinsky 's compositional genius , you could hardly do better than invest in this splendid disc .
18 In order to form an estimate of both the range and the limitations of the record of landholding we can not do better than commence by examining the section devoted to a single parish , Empingham in Rutland .
19 As time passed , and the cost of making new recordings has increased , so that prophesy of about 1953 has been proved right .
20 that 's what I said , so that come like a prayer from heaven it did
21 Thirdly , how does all that lie with new clause 10 and the submissions to the Scottish Office ?
22 Hugh would get up purposefully and drive into Mondano , returning with a large number of bread rolls and a few croissants over which the children quarrelled .
23 Fishing is from 10am to 2pm and open to any junior up to the age of 15 .
24 Others claim that projects will be handled better and result in a net saving .
25 However , since I was very keen , I decided to go even better and invest in a macro lens .
26 Slice the kidneys thickly and add to the pan with the lemon juice .
27 They took turns to walk around inside and sit on the bunks and then George left to go home for tea .
28 He was itching to get further inside and check on Ari , yet appreciated Quincx 's robots were like children to the man .
29 When you can feel a steady breeze on your back , pull the line gently and call to the helper to release .
30 If my list of cons against Alfieri seems great , it does not mean I dislike everything he does for as I 've said he plays the important role of introduction and conclusion which I like especially and count as a clever idea on the part of Miller .
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