Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 These packages are only worth looking at if you 're going to print professionally or if you need precise retouching tools .
2 If your child is slow at school , you suspect it 's because you are not with them enough or because you should have read with them more .
3 He or she may argue that the task is impossible , because you are not skilled enough or because you have never tried to sell the subject to other than students before .
4 And it 's going back to the point that Mr Curtis I think misunderstood me , that 's basically that if you concentrate new growth in one location you have the ability to plan to serve that development by public transport , whereas if you spread it out to all the points of the compass , you know , two hundred houses in one direction of York , two hundred in the opposite direction would become very mor more difficult to serve than would a concentrated er chunk of development , and that 's as simple as that .
5 erm especially that when you get those er notes from Haywoods Heath ,
6 Sometimes a crisis focuses the attention far better than if you 're doing well .
7 And good voice training will make your natural delivery sound ten times better than when you first started training .
8 Monica will be alright she know 's what she 's doing , it 's just whether she has the time to do it , she would liked it if we had done this before Christmas , so that while you were away John
9 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
10 so that or you might just have erm say you had biscuits and your mum was going to give you biscuits and you 've got two friends round .
11 That increases the surface tension on the top of the coffee — or is it the specific gravity ? — so that when you dribble the cream slowly down over the back of the spoon it stays on the top . ’
12 Before the cinema opened the men on the staff were given cigars to puff , so that when you came into the foyer it had that smell of luxury .
13 Construct a safety bar ( which is removable ) just below the level of the lower stable door so that when you open the stable door your mare can still rush across , but her breast comes up against the bar .
14 Take a pair of binoculars with you so that when you spot surface activity in a distant area you can use them to confirm or otherwise that it is bream which are the cause .
15 Keep your conscience clear so that when you are insulted , those who speak evil of your good conduct as followers of Christ will be ashamed of what they say .
16 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
17 These innovative power amps are themselves switchable , so that when you swap channels on your preamp , the power amp 's tonality alters too , becoming darker and more overdriven for lead and cleaner and more sparkly for rhythm .
18 While your brain is doing that it will be storing the words so that when you look at your sheet of nouns you will recall what was said for some while after it was actually said .
19 Make sure that you tell your readers everything they need to know , so that when you deliver up your secret , they will greet it with absolute belief , with ‘ Of course .
20 Make a note of the number of needles so that when you have to return these stitches to the cuff you know how many you need to decrease evenly across the work .
21 Also , Brother owners should be careful that the brush does not find its way into the needle retaining springs , so that when you pull or push the brush , it bends these springs .
22 This is handy for , say , approving artwork , so that when you return the fax with comments and corrections , no loss of quality is experienced .
23 I love camping and do n't feel that anything can compare with waking up in the morning with the day just a few hours on from dawn , dew still on the grass , so that when you open the tent flap the smell of a new day comes to you with the early morning sun .
24 Because I want to do as much as we can during the holiday so that when you go back you you 're up there with the rest of them okay .
25 Erm so really you tell me which jobs you 're gon na send reports out on , a and erm that you would like that particular field sorting out , and I will get Ken and Amanda and Kerry to er t to get something in there , so that when you pull it off erm you 're happy with it or we can then edit it .
26 And then after that we have some soothing gel put on the eyebrow so that , the skin is slightly pink so that when you actually have a , erm , an eyebrow trim , the soothing gel takes away the pinkness .
27 And it 's So one of the first thing to do is to get your axes marked so that when you 're putting stuff in , you know which is which .
28 The point of doing all this pre-planning is so that when you come to align columns across the page or to set text next to pictures everything snaps together neatly .
29 the other is Chiros Chronos is time , chronological time , so that when you say the the coming of Christ the time of Christ is near .
30 so that when you come back , there 's only one thing to come back to , there is n't a choice of two .
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