Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He took a deep breath and prayed that Ranulf was somewhere where watching this small drama being played out .
2 The data subject is entitled to access personally or to authorise another .
3 To cooperate may be defined as to work together or to operate jointly-These terms are therefore not dissimilar , yet co-ordination may be seen to be of a higher level and a more difficult operation than co-operation .
4 He knew better than to leave that behind .
5 Hedonists seeking the perfect golfing weekend could do no better than tackle these two majestic courses , using the Thorpeness Club Hotel as a base .
6 The men of Ring 's Amusements still worked in Sir Walter Raleigh Park , but the Dynmouth Hards knew better than to engage these men in any form of combat .
7 But I knew better than to broadcast those ideas around school .
8 ‘ You ought to know better than to ask that .
9 ‘ You should know better than to ask such a question after all I 've tried to teach you . ’
10 Well , better than getting half every time , in n it ?
11 Beryl meant that Adam had been among the previous owners of Wyvis Hall while her husband had not , but she knew better than to point this out .
12 The hard-bitten men round the table knew better than to make that mistake .
13 With justice Henry V is credited not only with having understood , better than did any of his contemporaries , what were the naval problems which faced England in the early fifteenth century , but also with having done much towards the creation of a fleet of ships , some of them very large , almost ‘ prestige-type ’ vessels , which would make it possible for the English to take to sea quickly and thus try to wrest the initiative from any enemy who might be coming against them .
14 He was mortally disappointed when it was officially declared an accident and there 's nothing he 'd like better than to find some excuse to start ferreting round and upsetting everyone with his ‘ interrogations ’ . ’
15 Perhaps that meant most of the city 's population — it certainly included Deirdre .
16 At least everybody knows where to go and it 's all there an but obviously that has some difficulty in terms of where to locate it and where to .
17 So that represents that amount there .
18 And I said oh it 's so and so that gets all the profit .
19 So that answers all those years that I have been conducting these seminars , it answers my question not in the way I was particularly happy about I have to say , but I mean it did answer my question and then it may be them having you know I mean like sort of things I may not be particularly happy with , but maybe it is good that the papers are reflecting what the community wants .
20 erm On the question of the river samples and pool samples , yes , I think one of the city pools , one of the school pools we had a bit of a problem , so that took much of concentrated attention of it for a period of two or three weeks , so that 's probably a reflection , I do n't think much of it relates to the river sample .
21 What you 're really finding out is the truth-telling status of the person you re getting the information from , so that Quiss half listened to all this as he watched , suspiciously , the same cableway of cutlery and cups squeak and rattle its way overhead , you can find out two things … no , wait a minute , come to think of It you 're finding … hmm .
22 Erm those are the only sort of figures we have and , but nineteen forty nine seemed to be a bad base state because it was about half so that meant that it exaggerate .
23 So that sorted that out .
24 I.e. we want to create the impression that we are good people to do business with , so our customers come back and buy more of our books , so that makes more money for the company , which means they can pay us more money .
25 Okay Now expect , farmer 's expectations of prices are assumed to be revised , right , each year , farmers revise their own expectations of future prices so that makes some sense .
26 So that to come that way
27 So that means that
28 So that means this the effect of having this extra gravity means that the extra gravity is n't equally dispersed in the whole system the extra gravity is located in one particular spot where the moon is .
29 On the other hand there 's a certain inertia principle operating , it is always easier for an administration to do less than to do more in dealing with the Middle East , and especially with the central Palestine problem .
30 I got some more sedatives in anticipation , and eventually had to turn him out when he decided one night that enough was enough and kicked several large holes in the stable wall .
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