Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
2 The Big Bang happened here right where we are .
3 The rest of us intend staying right where we are — and Meredith Putt will find he 'll not move us on without a fight . ’
4 I stayed right where I was on the floor telling myself I 'd be fine in just a few minutes .
5 ‘ You 'll stay right where you are until I 've made you a hot drink .
6 He stayed right where he was until good manners forced her to offer to make him a drink too .
7 Talk may be cheap , but her time is expensive , and , unless I pay her , she prefers to stay right where she is .
8 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
9 I could n't afford to go anywhere , I cant walk far , so I had to buy stuff locally where it was dearer because the bus fare was 64p .
10 Modern beliefs , one might think , ought to be in the rationalist mould of the Enlightenment , but little or nothing is taught about the psychology of consciousness in schools , except in terms of religious studies .
11 That way little or nothing is revealed .
12 In medical schools a great deal is taught about the medical and other consequences of high alcohol consumption but little or nothing is taught about alcoholism , the addictive disease .
13 But in the end er if I can put you somewhere where you 're gon na be happy to work
14 You know , I should think somewhere where you are
15 My idea of prison was that it was somewhere where you were locked up and picked on all the time — that was my impression .
16 But it seems to me she should n't be locked up in Broadmoor , she should be somewhere where it 's more supervision , but more freedom where she can walk around gardens and places like that , erm
17 somewhere where it 's decent
18 But just so long as they take me somewhere where there 's the right kind of electricity …
19 They 've said would n't you like to be somewhere where there 's people you can talk to an that and she said yeah , did n't she ?
20 Likewise , according to this theory , as we are all stress-prone , we are bound to get stressed when we find ourselves working somewhere where there is a high stress-count .
21 ‘ It 's clearly bad to construct a golf course somewhere where there is an existing habitat , or grassland .
22 where it was but I came across somewhere where there was a freephone and people at a g on a given sort of in a given week could all just go and use this freephone number , and ring up and they 'd hear a tape recording .
23 Somewhere where there was plenty of social life .
24 Erm , Chair , on the general financial position , it 's , it 's what I referred to earlier , as moving from somewhere where there were a direct employer or where we were grant-aiding a voluntary body to get on to a more , ultimately a more commercial footing , where we relate the money that we 're paying to the services that are being provided .
25 Happen it would n't be long afore he was back here , and then they would see .
26 The admission of new members to a Europe which allows them to adopt common policies only where they are feasible and productive , and the consequent necessary institutional changes which will allow existing members this option , would bring about the effective development of a ‘ Europe of varying geometry ’ in a calm and deliberate fashion .
27 BL have used carousels , but only to a limited degree and , it would appear , only where they were particularly vital to insulate the biggest machines from human variability .
28 Andrew Telford , owner of Regal Diving , said : ‘ Perhaps we could have a compromise and dive only where there are no human remains .
29 An exception arises only where there are concomitant changes that confer an advantage on the rarer types .
30 Then , if cartilage is made only where there are peaks , a basic pattern will be established which could then be modified by positional information to give the characteristic patterns of the humerus , radius and ulna , wrist , and hand .
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