Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] important that " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting and perhaps methodologically important that the Conversation Analytic approach tentatively provides support for the " we code " / " they code " distinction , independently of " given " notions of " we " and " they " .
2 It is on the borderline between a true signal , indicating the nature of the coming activity and establishing specific relations within which it is intended to occur , and that type of signal which is not preparatory or externally indicative but is integrated within the form of a work : a type which we can distinguish as conventions , and which is so fundamentally important that it will be separately discussed , below .
3 Ensuring compatibility of data between the systems that you currently have and the proposed electronic publishing software is much more important that worrying about the hardware that it runs on .
4 It is much more important that the student is given an understanding of a conceptual structure , and is able to take up stances within it , to understand something of the fundamental debates taking place within it , to see the difference between sense and nonsense , and to stand back and form critical evaluations of the wider social role of the form of thought .
5 He 's just made it seem much more important that it was , really . "
6 I think it 's much more important that we instruct the computer and not have the computer instruct us .
7 That is why it is so vitally important that legislation should be expressed in language that can be clearly understood and why it should be in a form that makes it readily accessible .
8 It 's obviously very important that some stories are big enough to break if you 're lucky in the national media but more important each of the clubs and sailing schools can get it in their local events because they 're only too happy to take er provide the stories .
9 She had something to tell him ; something so very important that even this delightful consummation of their desire must take second place
10 And I think it is so very important that we try to do that .
11 It 's so very important that you 're honest with me , ’ urged Morse .
12 Does he agree that the private sector electricity industry makes it ever more important that safeguards should be built in to the process so that the need factor and the environmental impact are taken into account ?
13 It is also most important that the abuse of religion with its destructive consequences is faced , and that pupils are helped towards levels of discernment .
14 Girls it was n't nearly so important that they should be er er an and also I , I do n't think my parents thought I was really worth educating .
15 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
16 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
17 Okay so erm I think it 's also very important that we look at gestures .
18 When collecting figures for any statistical analysis it is clearly very important that the way in which the data is collected is planned with the analysis in mind .
19 Was it really so important that it had to take priority over something as necessary as post , which often contains faxes and other mail urgently required .
20 These are often so important that they require the marketer to find direct means of dealing with them , so as to minimise their effect on the satisfaction of consumer demand .
21 Er so I think it 's really vitally important that we do know , have basic what our money is going to be spent on this this year , not the year .
22 It is far more important that the owners of the company , the shareholders , be given the choice of whether they want to invest in , let us say , a bank , an agricultural business , a food business , or a retail chain , than that we should build our business in different fields , unless we can demonstrate a high degree of mutual reinforcement from such an exercise .
23 It seemed far more important that David should understand and not be hurt than that she save her throat .
24 If it is readily intelligible so much the better ; but it is far more important that it should yield its meaning accurately than that it should yield it on first reading , and the Legal draftsman can not afford to give much attention , if any , to euphony or literary elegance … .
25 If it is readily intelligible , so much the better ; but it is far more important that it should yield its meaning accurately than that it should yield it on first reading , and legal draftsmen can not afford to give much attention , if any , to euphony or literary elegance .
26 Chief Medical Officer , Sir Donald Aitchison , warned it 's now vitally important that heterosexuals adopt safer behaviour patterns .
27 It is really very important that you meet the teachers before the secondment in order to develop a useful programme that meets their needs .
28 If you are someone who has to spend much of your day in such conditions , it is even more important that you try to absorb as much fresh air as possible in your leisure time .
29 It is , therefore , surely even more important that those using it should not be worried about leaving their craft in the event of capsize .
30 Because modelling is more complex in concept than simpler analysis or record keeping , it is even more important that the software used is powerful enough to look after itself and not burden the user with computing problems .
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