Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as much " in BNC.

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1 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
2 Most people ‘ in the street ’ recognise what a teacher is ; most would accord a teacher of ( say ) French a certain status ( though perhaps not as much as the deserve ) as being someone who has a special skill or expertise .
3 Credit cards also allow you to convert only just as much as you need into local currencies .
4 of the total grassland area occurs in large blocks in the main river valleys and levels , and perhaps nearly as much as a continuous band along the north scarp of the Downs which is too steep to plough .
5 There is a phase preceding death — perhaps moments before , perhaps even as much as a year before — when the individual life seems to dissolve and to begin to be absorbed back into the collective life .
6 She nearly said , ‘ And you are larger , ’ but did n't , only looked up into his face and saw that he was not a young man , perhaps even as much as forty .
7 The Australians won not only twice as much line-out ball but also much better quality possession .
8 The safety mattress also produced only half as much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide .
9 Eubank is also asking for £1m to fight Benn once more but admitted : ‘ I would even take it if it meant that the winner got Pounds 1m and the loser only half as much — the fight is that important to me . ’
10 On the earlier day when the dubious dealing took place , the share price had jumped too , though only half as much relative to the market .
11 The average Greek lawyer , poor chap , earns only half as much per year as the average Greek factory worker — if you believe their tax declarations , which a self-employed professional man can fiddle far more easily than can any mere employee .
12 By 1948 , although living standards in general were no higher than a decade previously , the average domestic consumer was using twice as much electricity as then , but paying only half as much for it per kWh in real terms .
13 Pinnacle-1 has only half as much first-level instruction cache as SuperSparc and the lack of an on-chip data cache means that it is one cycle slower on every load or store . ’
14 Lawenham was never the same without him ; by 1568 it paid only half as much tax as Long Melford , compared with two-and-a-half times as much in 1524 , and its place had been usurped by Hadleigh , which had paid only three-fifths of Lavenham 's quota in 1524 , yet now ranked as the third town in Suffolk after Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich .
15 Recent research suggests that the radiation effects induced in these Japanese people may have been caused by only half as much radiation as has hitherto been believed ( Hawkes et al. , 1986 ) .
16 I disagree with the idea that someone on my salary should be asked to contribute the same as the person next door , who is probably earning only half as much .
17 Although it emphasized that the sum required was not only insignificant compared with military spending world-wide , but only half as much as Germany was expected to spend on the process of unification , the report also acknowledged that more efficient use could be made of the money already being spent .
18 By the 1780s it was only half as much and by 1807 – 10 only £20 million out of more than £500 million of government stock was held abroad .
19 If the alleles for flower colour are R and W , with RR producing red flowers and WW giving white flowers , then the hybrid RW produces only half as much pigment as when RR is present in full dose .
20 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
21 They 're part of a European team working on a nuclear fusion project , but claim they 're paid only half as much as their continental colleagues .
22 But I think you have to say the club 's just not as much as an event as it used to be .
23 So I 'm spending just exactly as much time on incoming and tea card collections , as erm , as I am on my training .
24 The changes imposed were just about as much as the Services could take at that time without loss of morale and fighting efficiency .
25 If you have tried sprinkling it on breakfast cereal and weighed the quantity , you will have discovered that you get a large volume for a quarter of an ounce — just about as much as you can palatably add to a single portion of breakfast cereal , without beginning to think that you are eating a bowl of sawdust !
26 Protection , too , thanks to the many thin cracks and cracklets seaming the rock , is plentiful and both pitches will obligingly swallow just about as much gear as you can carry .
27 This was evidently regarded as a heavy burden by the English government , although it was the merest tumulus compared with the great Everest of debts owed by the Emperor Charles V. The English Crown had escaped large-scale indebtedness by selling Crown lands , which produced 32 per cent of the total revenue raised for war , and by debasing the coinage , which produced just about as much .
28 Not that this would necessarily matter in itself , but the music they 're producing is dour , grey monotonous and generally about as much fun as a dose of the clap and a tenth as infectious .
29 Base units generally stand 900 mm ( 36 in ) from the floor if you count the worktop as well and widths match the wall hung cabinets , though the depth is generally twice as much .
30 But we 're s we 're gon na be charging it approximately twice as much as would .
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