Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like word processors , however , it 's not so much what a spreadsheet can do in common with others , but what it does that others ca n't , and how it does things that make one stand out from another .
2 She 'd collected her wedding dress , and it was n't what she wanted ; it did n't fit properly , and the woman in Drogheda who had made it had gone away on holiday , and her assistant did n't know anything about it , and was n't a seamstress , so now what the hell was she supposed to do ?
3 It 's the same with shadows : the beautiful thing is n't the alligators or bats you can make with your hands , the beautiful thing is the way the shadow image allows you to see so precisely what the outer contour of your own hand really looks like , those little bunches of flesh under each bent finger joint .
4 So ideally what the industry needs is an alternative that erm , is really , that kills off the sheep scab bug , and at the same time er , is er , affords protection against other erm , things like er , fly er strike .
5 Although we could expect considerable improvement in front-end processing , we were unlikely ever to have a phoneme lattice which reflected exactly both what the speaker said and the pronunciations in the lexicon .
6 The Three Degrees which is just about what the temperature is .
7 Well it This is more like what an
8 Having gone over once more what the term means , let us look at the memory of the E6000 console .
9 Cornelius put his arm around his friend 's shoulder and the two gazed off towards the lands of the east , wondering once more what the fates held in store for them .
10 This experience might have caused LIFFE to evaluate more carefully what the value of its time zone advantage actually is .
11 Owen knew damned well what the District Chief had thought .
12 It is time now to consider more precisely what the attitudinist says about the actual meaning of typically ethical words , like ‘ good ’ ’ ought' ’ right' and ‘ wrong ’ .
13 Valerie Cass made an elaborate gesture , reminding Charles once again what a bad actress she had been .
14 That shows clearly enough what the Scottish Protestants feared .
15 Part of being selective is that it is also necessary to simplify the world in order to try to see more clearly just what a discipline can say about aspects of the world .
16 Although less well-educated people , poor people and black people in the States are still markedly less familiar with APRs , at least one in three of them have now learned to estimate reasonably accurately what the APR is on their own credit arrangements .
17 This breaks down very clearly indeed what the problems are of young people .
18 This is often exactly what the panic attack victim thinks and does when they have no idea what is really happening to them .
19 That is really not what the game is all about .
20 ‘ You know perfectly well what the problem is .
21 He knows perfectly well what the rules here have to be . ’
22 THE jump in retail sales last month of 1.6 per cent was roughly twice what the City had expected and more than made good the disappointing fall of 1 per cent in December .
23 Incredibly , the government take £3.50 through VAT from the production of each medal , or roughly twice what the charities get , even though it is due to their cruel neglect that the medals have to be struck in the first place .
24 They may not say exactly or as precisely what the historian meant to say , although this is rare .
25 not as bloody what the committee wanted
26 The words are inadequate : consilium makes it plain enough what the testator 's own wishes would be , but there is no trust unless he has made his intention that a legal obligation should arise equally clear .
27 I knew well enough what the trouble was .
28 In every sense , this seems to sum up very well just what the Chemical Products business is doing .
29 You wan na oh , well well not what no any
30 Can we be told please exactly what the er , balancing hand of carry forwards shown on the right estimates , the twenty three thousand consists of ?
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