Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Larger family size alone usually made for a very different situation from that of a grandchild brought up alone by a grandparent today .
2 It is significant that recent government policies have sought to give parents more power and influence in school — to elevate parenthood and , by giving parents ' views more weight , counter the claim to exclusiveness so often made by the teacher .
3 First , that wise choices about health are most easily made by people who feel good about themselves and are able to talk to their partners .
4 [ Mond is said to have complained , away back in the 1880s , that his company was n't concentrating on chemistry any more but on making money , a complaint perhaps most easily made by those who have already acquired as much money as they can reasonable need . ]
5 Once the guns had gone , the black-uniformed Prussian cavalry waited in the town north of the river , reinforcing the brigade of infantry that ransacked the houses near the bridge for furniture , which they rather half-heartedly made into a barricade at the bridge 's northern end .
6 The distinction between ordinary and honours students is normally not made until the third year .
7 Devitrification is almost universal in ancient glasses which were usually badly made in the first place and have had plenty of time to crystallize ; the result , however is , often very beautiful , though these old glasses have become very weak .
8 Next , by relating the plates and line illustrations to the individual designs , you can use the information contained under each heading in this chapter to limit an item 's probable origins ( e.g. hunting carpets are usually only made by workshop groups in Persia , India , or Pakistan ) .
9 I think he 's still not made out whose home he 's in !
10 One important by-product of this style of organisation is that cheese is still largely made in the farm villages , instead of in some more or less distant town cheese factory to which milk is conveyed by road .
11 Furniture , floors and bookshelves are usually best made in wood and so are things like flagstaffs and yachts ' masts .
12 None of this meant that diplomats were well paid , if the financial demands still often made on them by their position are considered .
13 If the party against whom discovery is sought does not comply with the notice , application may be made to the district judge for an order by lodging an application with copy for service , but application is more frequently made during the pre-trial review under Ord 17 , or at the preliminary arbitration hearing .
14 Such calls have be.en made by Hudson ( 1981 ) for conservation , although they are far more frequently made by agricultural economists and agronomists who are concerned with interactive research by farmers and research stations ( Biggs 1981 ) .
15 The brand new ramp deck for Steve Caballero , once again made by Powell Peralta. and it 's about time Cab had a new model : this one is 31 ½ inches long , with a 6 inch tail , 9 ¾ inch wide .
16 on point more adequately made by the deputy about C O two emission , are there any other comments that people want to make , or are you agreed that we refer back to council as it is ?
17 Nina 's designs have frequently featured as MKM patterns and they are always beautifully made in every detail .
18 For instance ivory was sometimes used in Sumer and the Aegean to make the seals more commonly made from different kinds of stone .
19 It is significant , for example , that the artist 's claim to ‘ freedom ’ , to ‘ create as he wishes ’ , was much more commonly made after the institution of dominant market relations , and must be both positively and negatively related to them .
20 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
21 But the appointments were presumably also made on the assumption that the men concerned could be relied upon to obey Gloucester rather than the Woodvilles , an assumption which , during the protectorate , seems to have been vindicated .
22 It is interesting that such distinctions are most clearly and most confidently made in relatively complex and highly specialized societies .
23 It was definitely a print , most probably made by the toe of a rubber-soled sports-shoe ; a tennis-shoe , perhaps , or basket-ball boot .
24 ECU bond issues are now also mostly made in London .
25 So if our hunting rug employs pastel rather than rich shades it was most probably not made in Persia , but in India or Pakistan .
26 By Thursday , some journalists were reporting that a Royal aide had told them the marriage was ‘ clearly not made in heaven ’ .
27 Remember also that the upholstered seat of a chair is nearly always made of beech ; other timbers will not hold the upholstery tacks so well .
28 When setting up a rack system , the connections are nearly always made from the back , and if a wireless system is used this is fed into the preamp 's rear input , although the front panel input invariably overrides this should you ever require the use of a lead .
29 observed in the Anton Piller case that orders should ‘ rarely ’ be made , within a few years Goulding J. remarked that ‘ such is the proven efficiency of that type of order and such is the extent of dishonest trading in this country at the present time , that it is a matter of weekly occurrence and sometimes of daily occurrence for the Chancery Division ’ to make such orders , which are also regularly made in the Queen 's Bench Division .
30 Reference was also frequently made to the low standard of programmes , the high incidence of breakdowns during transmission , and other technical and production weaknesses .
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