Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [that] she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How are you going to introduce me ? ’ she asked tartly , denying most vigorously that she could be jealous in any remote way .
2 She disliked the wretched man so intensely that she did n't care if she never had to see him again .
3 In a sense the recent pressure of work was a blessing , for it isolated her , forcing her to concentrate so intensely that she simply had no time to dig deeply into such perplexities .
4 She fell heavily and the raised hoof caught Maggie on the shoulder so powerfully that she too fell , pain washing over her like fire .
5 Perdita was trembling so badly that she could hardly zip up her boots .
6 There was no brand name on the yarn and the work twisted so badly that she could not wear it .
7 She winced , the force of his brutal remark piercing through her like a sharp knife , the suggestion of other women hurting so badly that she realised with a sick sensation that she was jealous .
8 She had badly wanted him to kiss her , of course — so badly that she knew it simply must not happen …
9 She wanted to see him so badly that she felt physically bereft .
10 She sat back , closing her eyes , incapable of coherent thought , and then , so slowly that she found herself holding her breath , a tiny spark kindled inside : they had talked through a tangle of mistakes , yet somewhere in it there was something else .
11 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
12 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
13 The blond girl looked abnormal only in that she was out of place : her wide blue eyes , her long hair and long bare legs , her petulant expression , all these Bernice noticed at one glance , and dismissed .
14 She was a devout appeaser , totally apathetic about world politics , but quite positive about Charles Willoughby ; so much so that she 'd allowed him to move into her flat in the enormous new block facing south across the river to the huge but fairly new Battersea Power Station .
15 Sheila admits that food additives are a great worry — so much so that she is investigating the possibility of growing her own exotic vegetables in a hothouse .
16 So much so that she was not left alone with him , but that afternoon the mother had had to go shopping and the child had returned from a swimming session in the baths and had been alone with the man .
17 She needed a little experience here in the provinces first , of course , just enough to give her finesse and confidence , not too much so that she became jaded , and then …
18 At school , compensating , she had worked and worked and worked , so much so that she had finally made the two A's and a B necessary for medicine in her A levels .
19 She was all but out of the door on her way to Oxford Street when , incredibly , she found herself shaking , so much so that she went back into the tiny bedroom and lay down .
20 Mrs J. was a dominant person , so much so that she ended up in hospital suffering from malnutrition , as she had refused to eat .
21 So much so that she remembers trying to wriggle her face away from it without success .
22 At times the loneliness of her position has brought her to the edge of despair , so much so that she has made a number of suicide attempts , some more half-hearted than others .
23 Whereas the DCSL for School F limited her actions to the latter function , her colleague in School A ( and the other schools in her division ) played a much more active role with , and sometimes in , the library committee itself , so much so that she was occasionally described by teachers as the " leading light " in the formulation of the proposal .
24 My mother 's hotel may have elevated her from the raw stuff of commerce — so much so that she now subscribed to Country Living and other unspecialist periodicals — but the caravan enclosure was decaying anew .
25 ‘ So much so that she told the entire matinée audience of a Noel Coward play !
26 Outside , running the water into the misshapen saucepan , Sally-Anne found the stench indescribable , so much so that she began a desperate burst of coughing to prevent herself from vomiting .
27 The extreme cruelty of his words threw her totally off balance , so much so that she lost all colour , as , half dizzy , she turned away to hide her shock .
28 She was very relieved , so much so that she felt weak .
29 So much so that she decided to call the police and give them my registration number , just in case I made a habit of kerb-crawling .
30 The idea of the lofty Naylor Massingham sitting impatiently outside her apartment block for an hour was one which Leith found quite pleasing — so much so that she almost broke into a smile .
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