Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 I , I think that 's again going to be part of it because that is certainly I mean a major reason why er a lot of peasant societies have large families , but we 'd still have to try and explain why it was that in this period , presumably so very much more of those children were surviving than had been the case earlier .
2 Laura and Ross were such an outstandingly good-looking couple , and obviously so very much in love .
3 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
4 Most people ‘ in the street ’ recognise what a teacher is ; most would accord a teacher of ( say ) French a certain status ( though perhaps not as much as the deserve ) as being someone who has a special skill or expertise .
5 The present danger is perhaps not so much that an honest trustee may be unfairly penalized as that a dishonest trustee may with impunity inflict loss on the beneficiaries .
6 And there was perhaps not so much to laugh at in that ; for by North 's trial , two and a half years after the breaking of the scandal , the overwhelming majority of Americans had come to feel much the same way .
7 Second , but perhaps not so much in the form of a survival as in that of a revival , Russian Formalism had a significant part to play in the development of Parisian structuralism during the 1960s ( particularly in the work of Todorov and Genette ) .
8 Now if we can sort of simplify the whole thing forget about the continents and that sort of thing what happens is that the sea water is attracted , obviously not this much , but the sea water is attracted towards The sea is attracted by the moon and you end up if you like with this bulge in the sea Now what is not so easy to understand
9 There were only three boys in whose case ‘ the clean break ’ approach was followed and obviously not too much can be claimed from such a small group .
10 There 's obviously not very much here but I mean
11 Yet the first attempt in 1944 to find the Roman wall of Canterbury , which was also supposed to follow the line of the medieval wall , proved a failure , so not too much should be read into the Carlisle evidence .
12 So not too much in one go .
13 However , despite some lip-service to the rights of schools to determine their own curriculum , on the whole those who argue against centralist control of schools do so not so much on grounds of loss of freedom for schools as on grounds of the consequent loss of local power .
14 People who make such assertions do so not so much on a scientific basis , but because they have another axe to grind .
15 Credit cards also allow you to convert only just as much as you need into local currencies .
16 of the total grassland area occurs in large blocks in the main river valleys and levels , and perhaps nearly as much as a continuous band along the north scarp of the Downs which is too steep to plough .
17 Perhaps even very much more .
18 There is a phase preceding death — perhaps moments before , perhaps even as much as a year before — when the individual life seems to dissolve and to begin to be absorbed back into the collective life .
19 She nearly said , ‘ And you are larger , ’ but did n't , only looked up into his face and saw that he was not a young man , perhaps even as much as forty .
20 The Australians won not only twice as much line-out ball but also much better quality possession .
21 The safety mattress also produced only half as much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide .
22 Eubank is also asking for £1m to fight Benn once more but admitted : ‘ I would even take it if it meant that the winner got Pounds 1m and the loser only half as much — the fight is that important to me . ’
23 On the earlier day when the dubious dealing took place , the share price had jumped too , though only half as much relative to the market .
24 The average Greek lawyer , poor chap , earns only half as much per year as the average Greek factory worker — if you believe their tax declarations , which a self-employed professional man can fiddle far more easily than can any mere employee .
25 By 1948 , although living standards in general were no higher than a decade previously , the average domestic consumer was using twice as much electricity as then , but paying only half as much for it per kWh in real terms .
26 Pinnacle-1 has only half as much first-level instruction cache as SuperSparc and the lack of an on-chip data cache means that it is one cycle slower on every load or store . ’
27 Lawenham was never the same without him ; by 1568 it paid only half as much tax as Long Melford , compared with two-and-a-half times as much in 1524 , and its place had been usurped by Hadleigh , which had paid only three-fifths of Lavenham 's quota in 1524 , yet now ranked as the third town in Suffolk after Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich .
28 Recent research suggests that the radiation effects induced in these Japanese people may have been caused by only half as much radiation as has hitherto been believed ( Hawkes et al. , 1986 ) .
29 I disagree with the idea that someone on my salary should be asked to contribute the same as the person next door , who is probably earning only half as much .
30 Although it emphasized that the sum required was not only insignificant compared with military spending world-wide , but only half as much as Germany was expected to spend on the process of unification , the report also acknowledged that more efficient use could be made of the money already being spent .
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