Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] much " in BNC.

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1 They 've been in water but the bullet fits tightly in the cartridge case , and they do n't seem to have been in water long enough for much water to have got in to affect the charge .
2 They call it an attempt to emphasise that Macedonia is an historically and culturally Greek region just when the ex-Yugoslav Macedonia , invented and so-named after World War II by Tito , is seeking international support for its own claim to independence , so far without much success : in part because of the problem of its name , in part because of fear that it is looking with greedy eyes at Greek Macedonia .
3 Official documents and those concerned with the lease , sale and transfer of land and other property , survive in considerable numbers from medieval times , but these are usually only of much interest to the topographer and county historian .
4 This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before .
5 Sabbath observance is held most strictly in much of the Outer Hebrides , travelling amongst the locals being limited with little or no public transport .
6 So erm National Savings again worth , worth mentioning those erm deposit accounts not really up to much at the moment .
7 It is even there in much sociology which , so proponents of this view would claim , is implicitly racist in treating ethnic minorities as the deviants from the British norm .
8 It was not comfortable to consider her parents ' intimate life ; she could recall no demonstrations of affection or indeed even of much displayed interest in one another .
9 Their role in executive search is no longer of much significance , with only 5% of their headhunting clients ranking within the Fortune 500 companies .
10 In the centre of Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry , crossing the torrent of the Aldudes , is a gorgeous old humpbacked bridge ( a ‘ donkey 's back ’ bridge the French say ) , that is no longer of much use to anybody except to make you ask whether modern bridges need to be quite so drably horizontal as they invariably are .
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