Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 The garden 's sole glory was a laburnum , which blossomed wonderfully each year : but even that she associated more with its dry black fatal pods than with its flowers , so often and so rigorously had she been warned of its poison .
2 She had long since realized her husband worked for the government , but he had never discussed it with her , much less told her he was a spy .
3 The family recorded an anxious moment during the visit when the King lifted five-year-old Catherine Drummond in his arms and put her ‘ upon the Table which so much alarmed her that she burst out a crying . ’
4 She did n't like Mr Evans , no one could , but Nick hating him so much made her dislike him less .
5 I so much wanted her to ask that I would n't tell her .
6 Her mother so much wanted her to be doing something prestigious , Caro thought bitterly , something she could boast about to her woolshop cronies , after all that dreadful ‘ grubbing about in the park ’ .
7 Although he so obviously loved her , waited on her hand and foot , thought almost entirely of and for her , there was a tiny part of him which eluded her .
8 She should never have allowed herself to become emotionally involved with a man who so patently distrusted her .
9 She tried fiercely to control the sudden rush of pleasure that hearing his voice again so soon gave her .
10 She pushed against his arms in an attempt at escape , hating herself in that moment as much as him , for the way her body so easily betrayed her .
11 Only once did she think of Johnny , when , as the morning wore away , one of the mothers , who was sitting reading while father jumped the waves with the children at the water 's edge , closed her book , and spreading a cloth on the sand , began to set out the picnic .
12 Only gradually did she perceive the extent of his coldness .
13 She married and he only ever saw her once again , yet declared : ‘ She was really , really , the only being in the world who could have given me peace and rest . ’
14 And while she always spent a great deal of time and money on their Christmas presents , they only ever sent her a packet of scented drawer liners or a box of soap .
15 Her pity for the man she had hurt so deeply made her behave more kindly towards him than was perhaps sensible .
16 They saw a great deal of each other , but , because Diana was so much younger and usually just one of a party , no one who saw them together ever suspected she was a girlfriend .
17 Only later did she decide on her expertise — ‘ ethnological bush-work ’ .
18 Only later did she read the letter .
19 Only later did she learn that what Rosemary had been doing back in Hazelbury that Saturday when Sebastian had met her had been to come and tell her parents personally that Derek had moved out from the flat they shared and was now living with someone else .
20 I so dreadfully wanted her to know that , although I am sure it is not really important either way .
21 But only now did she have confirmation of the full extent of her betrayal by Urquhart .
22 Only now did she recognise that there had been more than one horse .
23 The recession might not have been so long nor so deep had she listened .
24 The warm , soft-seeming lead beneath her feet and the sharp-knapped flint and stone under her hand only partially secured her against the deep fear of falling .
25 Yet , while she was finding him most difficult to forget , the realisation only then struck her that she knew neither the name of the garage that housed her car , nor the place where it was situated !
26 Only then did she let herself watch the clock to the strains of Beethoven 's Apassionata .
27 Only then did she impart her own news : that she and Geoffrey were to adopt a baby girl in a month 's time .
28 Only then did she comprehend the implications of that great , obscene gap .
29 Only then did she allow herself a smile .
30 Only then did she give a little bow and , pouring herself some wine , settled , kneeling at her husband 's side .
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