Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] thought of " in BNC.

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1 In such societies labour is so little thought of as a special separate type of activity that there is no word which in any way corresponds to what we with our language , moulded by the history of capitalism , mean by labour .
2 She supposed that she wrongly still thought of pub meals in terms of bread and cheese or pasties .
3 If he was to become the Asian Superman of Nietzsche 's teachings , he must cast aside all thought of pleasure and sensual gratification and concentrate only on the task before him !
4 Over a third said they hardly ever or never thought about their colour , and nearly half thought of themselves as neither black or white , but ‘ half and half ’ .
5 Mr Gorbachev , and others , should remember that a shrinking of American protection for Germany could raise the tricky issue of how Germany will defend itself — including the until now unthinkable thought of German nuclear missiles .
6 Today those thought of as our ‘ leaders ’ are tired , weary old men who are without vision of a brighter tomorrow .
7 This area of business is so important that the nuclear nations should throw overboard all thought of evenhandedness .
8 Apparently in Hungary Shakespeare is very well read and very well thought of .
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