Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and it " in BNC.

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1 Of the three methods being considered , this is the most controversial and it has dominated the debate about paying for water .
2 Its working was rather fitful and it failed in a couple of astounding thunderstorms they had .
3 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
4 In a dinner queue yes , someone collapsing and dying in the dinner queue is rather absurd and it 's also very
5 The impact of computers on almost every aspect of industrial life has been most marked and it would be strange if R&D and project management had escaped .
6 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
7 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
8 The contract hire scheme is by far the most popular and it attacts over 90% of new car applications .
9 Now I do n't stand here in any sense of defending these salaries , in fact I think our policy is entirely right and it is not inflationary .
10 Marking here is somewhat subjective and it is hard to give general guidelines beyond the obvious one that the aim of the marker is to help the student do ( even ) better next time .
11 The material itself is highly flammable and it 's heavier than air which means , in chemical , means it drops down to ground level .
12 Nicky approached her with the assumption that men are naturally right and it is the role of women to follow their lead .
13 I would like to acknowledge Norman 's excellence because the Garrick was sort of stuck in the past for a long time box set imitation stuff and Norman has sort of revitalized it made it extremely professional and it really did make a difference to the performances and I 'd like
14 It used the allocation , came back and said that its original estimate was entirely wrong and it required an extra £48 million — the original estimate was £48 million out .
15 Oh God , thought Preston , I 'm only thirty-six and it 's started already .
16 The danger here is that , although things may be pleasant for the workers , the incentive to work very hard is not so direct and it may not be possible to maintain a competitive position in comparison with the same industry in a developing country .
17 It is much easier and it 's much safer and it strikes me to be making the case for a western relief road to provide the relief north to the A one , has already been achieved on the six five eight .
18 We have been told for several centuries now that every child is naturally different and it is therefore wrong to impose on one the mould which has been prepared for others unlike it .
19 They were originally intending to work in Zaire , but the situation is still somewhat unstable and it seems that the time is not quite right for them to go there .
20 Although some NMR studies have shown that it is possible to bind two actinomycin molecules to the tetranucleotide GCGC [ 29 ] , binding of the second molecule is highly anticooperative and it is generally believed that the exclusion site size for actinomycin , under normal conditions , is at least 4 base pairs [ 1 ] .
21 She could think of nothing more to say , because she wanted to say so much and it was all forbidden .
22 and we enjoyed it so much and it was only ten pound for ten days ,
23 I 've , I 've got a little knife , I do n't know where I got it from , on it , on it , it says steel and it 's all broken the blade because , you know , it 's been used so much and it 's sharper for even being broken than any thing else I 've got .
24 and he , he just goes around thumping , kicking and , and going berserk during drama and the teacher just looks on and says calm down and I mean in view of the fact I 've written to the school and complained about , but you 'd think they would be keeping an eye and he hates drama so much and it , he 's got drama tomorrow , if he has any trouble tomorrow morning I 'm not sending him tomorrow afternoon I 'm gon na start keeping him home and if they ask why I 'm gon na say because you ca n't control your classes and you wo n't want to now
25 ‘ It 's extremely unsafe and it 's only a matter of time before someone is badly hurt . ’
26 At the time Lady Moon , 54 , said : ‘ It was all so easy and it gave me a hell of a buzz , better than drugs .
27 It could be so quick , so easy and it would simplify things so much .
28 This book , which contains a wealth of stories and information is long overdue and it is heartening to see a tome that tells the story behind the ‘ training ’ phase of the RAF 's history .
29 It is long overdue and it will be warmly welcomed by senior and successful classroom teachers , who can look forward to seeing the additional efforts and successes that they have achieved in the classroom being properly rewarded in their pay structure .
30 I thought the shoulder of lamb would be much nicer and it looked nice and fresh !
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