Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as it " in BNC.

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1 This is not so hypocritical as it sounds for Godwin hated violence and war .
2 The area was highly unsuitable as it was considered a watershed for the Lee Valley .
3 This was not so heartless as it might seem .
4 A priori this latter feature might be thought somewhat undesirable as it implies that the higher the rate of growth of wealth the lower the share of the total portfolio held within the UK .
5 You are more likely to have a rug accepted by an auctioneer if you are prepared to put it up without a reserve ( a figure agreed between you and the auctioneer below which they will not sell the rug ) , but this is extremely risky as it could then be sold for far less than it is worth .
6 The swordfish 's dorsal fin is very different to the sailfish 's , since it is high in front but much shorter as it curves towards the tail .
7 However , the situation is not quite so clear as it initially appears to be : in some earlier studies poly 3-deazaadenylic acid was shown to form unusually stable 1:1 and 1:2 duplexes with poly U ( 13 ) .
8 By far the most common escape mechanism for organisms ranging from bacteria to human beings is ‘ habituation ’ , a kind of behavioural boredom by which an animal becomes less responsive as it encounters the same stimulus repeatedly .
9 ‘ My surgeon says further surgery would be morally wrong as it could affect my future health but I had to make an effort to get back after the England tour went wrong .
10 Carburettor icing is somewhat different as it can occur in very hot weather conditions .
11 I mean , twenty years ago when the volume of work was n't so high as it now , then erm every police officer was doing that , but because time has marched on and problems have become more an more , erm we we tend to have left the traditional way of policing behind .
12 One of the main planks of the CCAUK 's argument is that the Annual Percentage rate is not so high as it looks , since though most transactions are contracted for ( say ) 26 weeks , in fact they end up being repaid — with no series problem — in about 30 or 33 weeks , with no penalty .
13 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
14 I told them the arguments put forward by Visual Effects , only to be told in return manufacturing a conical base would have been much easier as it could all have been done from one two-part mould in half the time . ’
15 It is n't a lack of the amorous , perhaps , so much as it is a completely different sense of the amorous to that which post-Christian man contains , to that which … the likes of Duncan , say , or myself may feel .
16 I mean your examination work , for in your other work you need no encouragement , for you like it so much as it is yourself finding expression in words . ’
17 A somewhat different case is García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude which recounts the history of the small town of Macondo , not so much as it actually happened , but as its inhabitants experienced and interpreted it and as it was transmitted by popular oral tradition .
18 TV missed the end of Empire , except for little bits like the Argyll Highlanders ' steamy evacuation from Aden in 1967 , but it caught the Vietnam War , the Nigerian Civil War , and so much as it was permitted in the Falklands .
19 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
20 But comparing depression to a cold is misleading in so much as it implies that the condition is not only common , but mild .
21 Beating Malta was one thing , in so much as it sustained the national team 's hopes of qualifying for the World Cup finals .
22 But having h done that and having gone off his toe , he the wardrobe was n't in front of him so much as it was down there by now , and he 'd still got hold of it you see , so because of the momentum , of going that way down two steps and one further one he shot forward and went right over the edge of the wardrobe .
23 In many ways I was greatly relieved as it had become obvious to me that he was n't well .
24 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
25 This became especially colourful as it dawned upon employers of servants that they would have to buy stamps for their cooks and skivvies .
26 This last is not so easy as it may seem , but can be highly illuminating .
27 In actuality this relationship between managers and workers is not so simple as it may first appear to be .
28 Less easy as it goes along , so we 've got , start by saying loaf of , what do you want to buy at the moment ?
29 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
30 Finally , there have been changes over time in the rates of divorce and marriage , although the significance of these for patterns of kin relations may be not so obvious as it first appears .
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