Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that some " in BNC.

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1 The other is that the molar numbers are so low that some sort of sampling bias is strongly indicated against the molars .
2 This method was considered so cost-effective that some firms continued to employ it even when machine printing offered an alternative way of evading skilled men 's wages .
3 Unfortunately , however , the differences in appearance and behaviour between male and female goats are so subtle that some hunters are incapable of distinguishing between them .
4 It was a cheap scrapbook , coarse paper between cardboard covers , so well-used that some of the pages were starting to fall out .
5 The craft workers reached levels of technical skill and artistry so high that some of their works rank among the finest ever produced in Europe .
6 It is perhaps interesting that some of them , because of the volume of work , had had difficulty keeping to this , and that those who had — Natalie , for example , who played a trumpet in a band — found some tension between their course work and the time they wanted to devote to their hobby .
7 Its bite is rarely lethal , but is so painful that some victims have survived when they ‘ hoped not to ’ .
8 Adjustment to their changing role and position in society can be so painful that some old people fail to achieve it satisfactorily and live at odds with society in bewildered but proud withdrawal .
9 It 's therefore entirely appropriate that some of his earliest ( mono ) recordings should be made available to the widest public through this fascinating boxed set .
10 Japanese influence remained strong in Korea until 1945 , so it was only natural that some of the Japanese martial arts would filter through .
11 The car is barely recognisable now ; so filthy that some kids have hunger-written their names in the dirt on the boot .
12 It is extremely likely that some of these detected features will not be present in the target , and so the detection of these non-target features in the mask will , via the inhibitory links from feature to letter level , turn off the activation in the target letter 's detector .
13 However , it seems highly likely that some of the calorie-supplying substances associated with the cell walls are not digested either when a diet is high in natural fibre .
14 This place is so good that some Peak activists reckon they will take their holidays indoors next year !
15 This years plum harvest is so good that some trees literally ca n't take the strain — snapping under the weight of fat , ripening victorias .
16 The fervour has become so great that some now argue for a tightening of the Obscene Publications Act .
17 Talks dragged on so long that some doubted whether the project — an aircraft maintenance joint venture with Lockheed and CAAC , China 's national carrier — would ever materialise .
18 They had waited for so long that some of them had forgotten what they were waiting for .
19 Indeed , the business of turning some of the Act 's most central provisions into the regulations needed to implement them has proved so exceedingly complex that some crucial regulations , more than six years later , are still in draft .
20 However , the damage to the capital 's generating equipment had been so severe that some Western estimates claimed that it would take a year to restore full supplies to the country .
21 So hot that some of the small atomic bits of gas stick together to form the bigger bits needed later for making rocks . ’
22 Perhaps this is the more important in the late twentieth century now that this means of image-making is so familiar that some people actually imagine that a photograph shows the world as it is .
23 Indeed the regulations are now so strict that some hill farmers and those with unsuitable land are having a problem getting rid of unwanted , surplus dip .
24 This process of coalition building is so well-known that some companies have invented their own language around it .
25 It was so big that some of the ASP surfers refused to go out .
26 They are so modest that some may find them disconcerting .
27 The majority of the works in the show are so new that some were only delivered the day before the exhibition started .
28 But Gwynedd 's chief executive , Huw Thomas , said it was already clear that some people would be unable to return home for several months .
29 The perks are specifically designed to encourage people to invest in their local water authority despite the fact that it is patently obvious that some are not going to be as attractive as others .
30 As a production of the Ministry of Town Planning much of its message clearly trespassed on the domain of the Ministry of Transport , so that it was scarcely surprising that some intractable transport problems were glossed over in the euphoria for a brave new world .
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