Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [be] because " in BNC.

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1 Presumably that 's because he has such a low opinion of women . ’
2 Presumably that was because she was unwell .
3 Popular participation in electoral politics began to flag after 1951 but arguably this was because most people felt less urgency as regards political change ; there was no strong and deep-going popular reaction against the government .
4 But basically that 's because of
5 Perhaps that is because the Irish love conversation while many Britons , particularly the young , go to considerable lengths to avoid it .
6 Perhaps that 's because being a larger lady I prefer to have something on the large side rather than the small !
7 Perhaps that 's because it was a private home until its owner gave it to the National Trust .
8 She paused and added thoughtfully , ‘ It 's strange , but although I 've stayed down here a lot I 've never met him , but perhaps that 's because his wife was an invalid and he devoted all his time to her .
9 Perhaps that was because he was very dark round the chin and lower cheeks .
10 Strange that they did n't hurt , but perhaps that was because the man was dead .
11 I thought she was quieter than I remembered , but perhaps that was because Aunt Kit had become so much more talkative .
12 It was quiet , but perhaps that was because their entrance had been so noisy .
13 Perhaps that was because I 'd already warned him I 'd bop him on the nose if he tried it .
14 Your report is most misleading in implying otherwise , but perhaps that was because your reporter was n't there either !
15 So that 's because of erm
16 Perhaps this is because , as a member of the Abingdon Group put it : ‘ In a group there is the fun and companionship … and the awe at saving a life , supporting a prisoner through years of isolation , getting your prisoner free . ’
17 Perhaps this is because I am American and because of the strong equal opportunities laws in the US , which protect women and encourage companies to promote women to executive positions . ’
18 Apart from pure nostalgia , perhaps this is because in the ‘ old days ’ it was fairly easy to look at a faulty circuit , identify components used for specific functions , replace them and get the set going again whether it was commercially or home-made .
19 Perhaps this is because they really are wanting or perhaps it is because the professional refuses to take on a role that the parents want but that he or she thinks unsuitable .
20 Perhaps this is because his problem is not a sociological one ; he is engaged in polemic rather than social theory and his work is built around an apocalyptic vision of the future of capitalism rather than a series of questions about social phenomena .
21 Perhaps this is because all these changes affected middle class feminists , and middle class feminists have always been an embarrassment to their radical sisters who feel the movement would be purer if all its adherents were working class or women of colour .
22 perhaps this was because he could hardly see more than a yard in front of his face .
23 Perhaps this was because of the dull routine nature of their job , servicing and re-fuelling incoming aircraft at the rate of about one flight every hour that day .
24 Perhaps this was because of their poor living conditions which would raise the question of why they were in poor housing .
25 Perhaps this was because with two full tanks and six people aboard we were just short of the 5,090-pound max weight — or more likely Tony was deliberately limiting the output of his nearly-new engine below the normal 36 inches and 2,300 rpm , but the long Wiplines seemed to have a much less clearly defined hump than other floats I have flown .
26 Perhaps this was because Galileo had claimed of heat that its ‘ generally accepted notion comes very far from the truth … inasmuch as it is supposed to be a true accident , affection , and quality really residing in the thing which we perceive to be heated . ’
27 Perhaps this was because Richard paid better than all rival employers , but over so long an association other bonds must have developed .
28 Perhaps this was because she belonged to Fred , which meant that there was no call to Oh , all that , he thought , shutting up in his own head .
29 So that 's why their policies might seem a little bit wishy-washy in that how that if they were going straight for a rich peasant economy then perhaps you would have expected a more spectacular economic growth , but there was n't and perhaps this was because they did n't actually go positively just for a rich peasant economy , they were trying to achieve a greater degree of erm egalitarianism in the countryside at the same time .
30 but what I find so interesting is because people talk nowadays as if it 's only recently women have had jobs erm
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