Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] but " in BNC.

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1 Riding through the French countryside burgeoning with corn , barley , vines , fruit and vegetables , I felt not only replete myself but part of plenty .
2 Not a terribly expensive one but a calendar would do fine .
3 and erm oh calcium hydroxide is perhaps a more interesting one but you pick one of them that you 're happy with and take it through here so what would happen with let's see I mean you would n't actually drip sodium an acid onto sodium if you 've got any sense .
4 There 's the Arran , we all know the classic Arran , there 's hundreds of them , and there 's a more modern one but that 's the traditional one there .
5 It will be a more competitive one but one that we ought to welcome as a company . ’
6 The case against Charles seemed a reasonably strong one but it was the charge of frivolity that chiefly told with the Colonel who showed a marked distaste for Charles 's habit of eccentric behaviour followed by unlikely explanation .
7 It seems then that the most plausible form of logical empiricism holds that statements can be divided into two classes , those that are strongly verifiable and those that are not strongly verifiable themselves but are confirmable and disconfirmable by appeal to the strongly verifiable ones .
8 Instead , capitalism is the helping and unobtrusive friend , not quite visible itself but arranging the scenery to everyone 's satisfaction .
9 After 30 minutes of shattering windscreens , faces outside the shower door , spooky ‘ phone calls and ghostly voices echoing round the stately home , the fetching Lisa Orgolini ought to have been pretty shattered herself but contrived a successful fight-back against ancestral menace .
10 You do n't actually half it but you work it out , it 's two .
11 ‘ The challenge of financing air transportation growth is a very large one but also an exciting one , ’ he said .
12 Here the Sicilian reference , in itself a very slight one but worth pointing out for reasons that will emerge , is in ‘ Federico Secondo ’ , who is identical with the ‘ Frederic ’ of canto 25 , glossed above .
13 Only a very small one but it 's very nice nice food .
14 But er you can , I mean we 've got , of course I 'm not too young myself but er we are set in our ways .
15 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
16 The voyage will certainly be a very expensive one but I doubt not my work will have a great sale in consequence and if so amply repay me for my exertions .
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