Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] do " in BNC.

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1 Gomez 's slight smile was that of a man who believed that politeness demanded he act a little embarrassed at doing his job .
2 You ca n't go wrong , because I 'm so used to doing these operations that I can keep an eye on the cat 's breathing at the same time . ’
3 ‘ When I saw you , ’ she said , ‘ I was so pissed off Do you know what they said ? ’
4 Some young people look upon drugs as a national industry : ‘ what is so awful about doing it if there is no other way of getting a job . ’
5 His colleagues expected him to take sides ; he was only interested in doing his job .
6 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
7 ‘ There are many good bands in Africa ; they all want to come abroad but it is difficult to get visas and many promoters are only interested in doing just one tour .
8 You can not create a constitution just by writing on a piece of paper , as the French are so fond of doing .
9 ‘ Believe me , my young friend , there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about on floats . ’
10 I am so angry with you , Lucy , and I love you so much for doing it . ’
11 And of course there was people from the town then getting a job like holding like this and fella on the stage you see , they were n't regular men , but they were getting a job and so much for doing it yes , just the same .
12 she felt much happier about doing it
13 ‘ A 3D approach is much better for doing that .
14 Unfortunately , because the Bookman was so good at doing Endill 's homework , some of the teachers began to get suspicious .
15 It had been extensively rewritten by Robert , who was now so good at doing Mafouz 's handwriting that it had affected his ability to reproduce his own signature convincingly .
16 So in ten or 15 years ’ time , when audiences are less capable of watching complex and difficult plays of language , the actors will also be less capable of doing them .
17 They 're not quite so committed to doing maths in the morning and English in the afternoon , whereas in a secondary school it is quite difficult to bring in something as that 's going to have such a dramatic effect as a micro without sort of the ripples actually perturbing things to a destructive degree .
18 The homing pigeon is extremely skilled at doing so .
19 It says the Department of Industry ( DoI ) and Department of Education and Science should earmark at least six universities as bodies especially suitable for doing industrial R&D .
20 ‘ Sometimes everyone becomes so intent on doing things by the book , the real needs of the customer may be overlooked .
21 Well , even even people who perhaps are not so experienced in doing it in their personal lives can be influenced I think , especially when they are relating to children , to perhaps become more sensitive to that and the children in their care .
22 there 's a psychological as aspect in some so much that if they think that a policeman is gon na walk round the corner er , they 're not so keen on doing it .
23 Sean was reportedly less chuffed about doing this than doing an ‘ ollie shove-it ’ , a very hard skateboarding manoeuvre — however , he did go on to break his leg in two places soon afterwards when he fell off said contraption .
24 You find yourself doing the strangest things that can only be because you are no longer capable of doing the simplest tasks .
25 What was the point of fighting him with words when she was utterly incapable of doing so physically ?
26 If a horse is being naughty then you have to punish him in some way — but do n't punish him if he does n't understand or is physically incapable of doing what you 've asked . ’
27 But er I was always more interested in doing things with my hands , er P E , music , art , all the things you did n't have
28 By all the normal rules I should have pulled away before that , but if the road was clear I could let things get more serious before doing anything , and if it was blocked it was already too late .
29 But my principal aim is to help to create a mood in which individual teachers are more keen to push for their own changes , and to become more effective in doing so .
30 Both men are reporting what seem to them the facts of the case , and they are the more confident about doing so because no Englishman has arisen to rebut their arguments .
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