Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
2 This would then mean that there should be 12 teams or thereabouts each dealing with a particular geographic area of the Region for all aspects of Council Tax .
3 Assertiveness training may help but again can not change the problem , only perhaps make it a little easier to deal with .
4 Finally we observe that unc and so , if we replace the unc sign by + , if we simply drop the unc sign and if we then agree to write unc we establish a notational way of writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with !
5 The situation was vastly different compared with the high-inflation 1970s .
6 It is arguable to what extent Magnus Magnusson was personally responsible for the composition of the Cairngorm group and he issued a public statement saying he was most willing to meet with voluntary groups .
7 This is one reason why firms are often most willing to start with a clean sheet of paper when setting up a new subsidiary , as Britain 's Midland Bank did when it established First Direct , its successful telephone-banking business .
8 does not explain why the rate of investment and innovation in British industry were so low to begin with .
9 Sales totalled only 223,283 compared with 227,437 last year — a fall of 1.8 per cent .
10 Trespass was obviously unsuitable to deal with the case where the owner had voluntarily put his goods into another 's possession and the other refused to re-deliver them , but this situation was covered by the remedy of detinue .
11 In ‘ Grey Shadows ’ the areas of grey are sufficiently solid to balance with the strong blues and yellows , but the sense of landscape remains .
12 For many years a mixture of alumina and glass was used because the glass gave a good visual approximation to a natural tooth while the alumina was sufficiently strong to cope with biting loads .
13 There are many places which once were considerably advantaged economically due to the presence of an industry such as textiles , mining or in-shore fishing , but which today are greatly disadvantaged compared with certain other areas , at any given moment of time .
14 I do n't know why sh , had n't have been so dry to begin with .
15 In order for plates to behave in the manner proposed the lithosphere of which they are composed must be sufficiently rigid compared with the underlying asthenosphere for stress to be transmitted from one side to the other .
16 Had they not had such a resource at their disposal some might have had to forego particular orders , others might have been obliged to withdraw entirely from certain markets , whilst still others would have been less willing to innovate with new products offering chances of survival or expansion .
17 But Pappy , who was always so willing to engage with her for hours and talk about school work or play chess , only patted her on the shoulder and fobbed her off with platitudes when the question of her mother came up .
18 The non-farm workforce rose by only 19,000 compared with an increase of between 50,000 and 75,000 predicted by economists .
19 It is perhaps easier to work with the Germans , whom Britain fought so bitterly in the first half of this century , than with the French or the Italians , whose active roles in the Second World War were prematurely curtailed .
20 She had quite expected him to stop the car on the way home and make a grab at her and she was all prepared to cope with it , had her little speech ready about what a wonderful evening she 'd had but at the moment she was concentrating on her career and did n't really want to waste time on that kind of thing .
21 Perhaps this conflicts with the realistic thrust of scientific linguistics , if this results in definitive interpretations based on the real nature of language .
22 The Palestinian delegation , bolstered by several new members , insisted that it was only prepared to negotiate with Israel over the issue of settlements and over human rights violations in the occupied territories .
23 My version of that all-time favourite , turkey , is much easier to carve with all the bones removed .
24 If I suddenly transfer my attention to an object or some aspect of the physical environment ( after all , inanimate things are much easier to deal with , are n't they — they do n't have emotions ) when you 're revealing thoughts and feelings , then once again I 've dodged your agenda .
25 Do n't let it come across like that , the temptation is to think that you 've got to have all this bit up here , now you do n't want this up here because it 's very difficult to cope with once you 've tied it round to get it round the elbow , you want the least amount that you can get , just cover the arm and then it makes it much easier to deal with at the end .
26 ‘ Because I 'm always terribly involved in visual comedy , ’ he said , comparing the film 's two leading characters , ‘ it was much easier to deal with Michael Crawford 's character , Colin .
27 In these circumstances in my judgment there is entirely adequate support for Paul of the sort that Mrs envisaged and indeed I am inclined to the view that one to one dedicated support for him out of classroom hours may not be desirable and might well tend at least to come between him and his fellow pupils so if one turns to Mrs schedule one on page forty seven , papers before me , I think that the appropriate arithmetic is to provide for twenty hours per week at seven pounds per hour for thirty seven school weeks , that is an enabler for the school period , I confess that I find it much easier to deal with Mrs schedules on page forty seven by treating schedule one as having to do with the , the school period , schedule two having to deal with the home periods and schedule three with parental care , as it is actually set out on page forty seven , and I confess that during the case I kept confusing myself about this point , schedule one deals not only with school but also , rather confusingly , with an enabler at home and I think it easier to confine that schedule to er school time .
28 Richard Feigen the high profile dealer who used to show the quick among artists back in the 1960s but who now specializes in the dead ( so much easier to cope with ! ) has had the bright idea of mounting , this month , the first Pierre Roy exhibition in the United States in over fifty years .
29 Preferably , the sound recorder will be a reel-to-reel machine with ¼ in tape as this is much easier to work with , but a cassette machine is quite a practical alternative .
30 You will find it much easier to work with the door removed and held firm in some form of vice .
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