Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But even the most mercenary of foreign firms grows a little queasier about trading with a regime which shoots dead its citizens , and then tries to score popularity points by offering convict labour to foreign factories ; and even the most unreconstructed optimist can see that the resurgence of hard-line Marxists in the Peking power structure is likely to militate against further free-market reforms .
2 Not even the most unreconstructed Keynesian would ever claim that the General Theory was an easy read .
3 The most significant and the most controversial documents will , however , usually be the subject of full inquiry by the Sub-Committee to which they have been sifted .
4 He stretched out his hand , took the girl 's unresisting fingers and kissed them in a way the most professional courtier would have envied .
5 The greatest , and definitely the most telling damage would be done by nuclear armaments .
6 This served two purposes , firstly the importance of the problems was diminished when they were written down ( even the most depressed person could not resist a smile when they wrote down some of their worries — somehow they looked silly on paper ) and , secondly , it enabled them to delete items on the list when the problems were solved , thereby proving that most problems were capable of being solved .
7 Perhaps his most memorable line would come when , having hectored a witness into incoherence , he would say : ‘ It makes me sick , sick , sick way down inside . ’
8 There were of course major guidelines within which even the most idiosyncratic monarch would operate : security in the west , a steady probing towards outlets in the Baltic and the Black Sea , incremental expansion and pacification in the south-east .
9 In a case where the husband owns the house alone , subject to mortgage , and the wife and new husband decide to buy him out , the most usual procedure would be for the conveyance to the wife and new husband to take place contemporaneously with the redemption of the existing mortgage and the taking of the new mortgage .
10 Our most grateful thanks must go to the teachers from Herts .
11 Defamations which endanger the peace by being couched in threatening , abusive or insulting language may be prosecuted under the Public Order Act , and most poison-pen letters can give rise to charges under the provisions of the Post Office Act 1953 or the Malicious Communication Act 1988 .
12 Under this regime , the most solid nerves can not resist for long ; the moment arrives where the blood mounts to the head ; where fever burns the body and where the nerves , exhausted , become incapable of reacting .
13 On the other hand , it is just because the fibre tubes can be crushed locally that wood can be nailed and screwed without splitting , provided we do not abuse the wood too much .
14 It was thought locally that attendance might be down because of a Gaelic football regional cup tie taking place at the same time , but many people managed to do both .
15 Nevertheless , most acute patients can be treated successfully , although the relapse rate is unacceptably high .
16 And although he passionately rejected demands from radical Soviet reformers to abandon the party 's monopoly of power , at least at this moment , he insisted that only the most far-reaching changes could solve the Soviet economic crisis .
17 If a reader can ‘ think himself into ’ the situations described , he will appreciate the courage and skills of the US Navy special forces ; if he is less well informed , the rather dry style will give little idea of the challenging nature of these operation .
18 It comes a no surprise to me that the most outstanding playing should be the Liszt .
19 Even the most monotonous work will have occupied the mind and body for long periods of the day .
20 Focusing the rules so that only larger errors and the most persistent offenders will incur penalties for misdeclaration .
21 The rather shy students must be encouraged to shout the launching orders clearly and loudly , so that if they need to shout ‘ stop ’ , they do not hesitate because they are reluctant to raise their voice .
22 We have suggested that properly coordinated motility might be of crucial importance in promoting acid clearance , and could therefore be an unrecognised factor in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulceration .
23 Even the most sensitive-skinned people should be able to use it .
24 Even the most sensitive-skinned people should be able to use it .
25 And the spirit of the exercise is that we will work as a team , and the most cost-effective procedure will exist .
26 And in m in many cases the most cost-effective procedure will be for the lad on site , the R E or the assistant R E to measure , and provide the measure to the Q Ss who will put that forward and process that in the way they do now and send out a certificate .
27 The door opened , and as she watched Rourke breeze into the room she concluded wearily that fate must be conspiring against her .
28 If you follow the 10K schedules provided , the most advanced runner will not do anything longer than two hours .
29 Paintings from 50 of Britain 's most progressive galleries will be on show ; prices from £75 ( 071–359 3535 ) .
30 And somehow , ’ he surveyed her — and there was that wry twist to his lips again , ‘ I do n't think even the most broad-minded onlooker would go for the ‘ sister ’ angle .
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