Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] those who " in BNC.

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1 These pages are written mostly for those who think they may wish to become qualified as a lawyer .
2 ’ It may be all right for those who choose happily , but think of the mistakes that could be avoided if people had a little help .
3 ‘ Both races hope for prosperity , prosperity means expansion , expansion means immigration , immigration means British ’ ; the syllogism was false , in logic and experience , but it was good enough for those who did not want to go where logic and experience pointed .
4 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
5 The pains of living in an overcrowded island are apparent enough for those who have to travel inside it .
6 Unemployment Benefit recipients with a Spouse who is not working will usually have an income low enough for those who qualify for topping-up Supplementary Benefit .
7 It 's tough enough for those who stay .
8 So much for those who think that the Punch of old had a magic quality we have lost for ever .
9 With all of the GDR 's western frontier open , the Wall is the most convenient crossing point only for those who want to go no further than the Kurfurstendamm .
10 Music is no longer something only for those who have the knowledge or the money .
11 In the evening , after a superb meal in the à la carte restaurant , we were treated to a Sunwing show followed by dancing to the latest sounds — only for those who were n't too tired after a hard day 's sunbathing !
12 Such dreary teaching could be eliminated if literature were separated from language , theory from practice , and literature became the chosen subject only for those who had a particular aptitude for it , or a desire to learn to criticize and analyse .
13 There can be nothing really ‘ clinching ’ in philosophy : ‘ proofs ’ and ‘ disproofs ’ hold only for those who adopt certain premisses ‘ who are willing to follow certain rules of argument , and who use their terms in certain definite ways .
14 At very best , any particular religion can be normative or valid only for those who happen to subscribe to it .
15 Having argued that animals can act intentionally ( to which I will return in the section on autonomy ) , he thinks this to be ‘ possible only for those who are self-conscious ’ ( 1983 : 75 ) .
16 By giving such a high profile to elder abuse , Community Care will show that the abuse of elderly people is a concern and a responsibility for everyone , just like the abuse of children — not only for those who work directly with elderly people .
17 Such conflicting expectations change the nature of the psychological contract not only for those who survive the redundancy programme but also for those who will join subsequently .
18 Nevertheless , the sort of jobs offered are really suitable only for those who can accept moving across the country and living in single person staff quarters for a prolonged period .
19 There is some variation between its being compulsory for all students and its being only for those who need help in reading or preaching in public .
20 Besides the ordinary shops accessible to anyone — selling subsidized goods but often with bare shelves — are the ‘ commercial ’ shops only for those who can afford it .
21 Such treatment is reserved by this Government only for those who are some of the most vulnerable in our society .
22 My hon. Friend the Member for Oxford , East said that such schemes should be available not only for those who have already committed offences but for young people who might be tempted to do so , perhaps for kicks .
23 TOPR is fine but only for those who can afford to be effectively unemployed for several months .
24 Sauce 1 ( only for those who like the taste of blue cheese )
25 However , the information is limited in that it tells us only about those who have died .
26 It seemed unlikely that the undertaker had troubled sufficiently about those who survived him to take such precautions , but no one could speak with confidence of what had passed through the mind of this man whose deepest preoccupations seemed to be represented by a few scored lines in a medical book and a little bundle of poems .
27 In this second document , then , the Secretary of State showed himself aware of some of the differing demands : breadth with no sacrifice of depth ; practical content that will not displace the theoretical ; the maintenance , even the raising , of ‘ standards ’ , with a welcome none the less for those who might have approached learning and assessment in a new way .
28 Luckily perhaps for those who believe in human free will , however , this was not the complete and only picture on offer when the social sciences began to take shape at the end of the eighteenth century .
29 Most woodworkers now own a router , so for those who wish they also had a biscuit jointer , Roy Cannon explains how to use the router for biscuits .
30 Her husband and colleague Dr E.A. Maury writes , ‘ She continues to show the way for those who have been willing to recognise her and will long do so for those who seek a new orientation for their moral and physical well-being ’ .
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