Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] these day " in BNC.

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1 Only after these days can she present herself to the priest for ritual atonement of her impurity :
2 I must apologise for this stupid oversight which is doubtless my fault — a symptom of the pressure we seem to be constantly under these days .
3 Hundreds of thousands , or , or much less these days ?
4 Especially in these days of violence .
5 Abrams ' experience proved that being a solid but unspectacular TV performer is no longer enough in these days where a politician risks instant oblivion unless he can turn in the hustings equivalent of an MTV award winner .
6 But they just in these days they just looked at them and said , Alright .
7 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
8 Even in these days of lobbying , Members of Parliament will not be bullied in this way .
9 Even in these days of gas and electric fires it is quite unusual for a living room to be bereft of a fireplace .
10 It would also need to pay attention to regional variations , since it is true , even in these days of mass mobility and the mass media , that to travel to a place remote from a major centre of population is to move back in time and rediscover the traditions and practices of an earlier period .
11 Even in these days of permissiveness , it may be that the one party has not had , or has been denied , the opportunity of discovering the anatomical characteristics of the other .
12 and though even in these days of equal pay
13 It was great ! ) so now we can prove that Big Black — like Old Mould and Moore , Gordon and co — were great and important and necessary even in these days when everyone is American and too loud .
14 To get ‘ UF Orb ’ to Number One in the albums chart , even in these days of meagre sales , means you 're shipping a hell of a lot of units .
15 Obviously , a special recording offers the opportunity of achieving precisely the right effect , but is considerably more expensive , even in these days of synthesizers , than library material .
16 even in these days when affrays , riotous behaviour and other disturbances happen ill too frequently , we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done . ’
17 I can remember it well , it was lit by gas e even in these days you know it would have been all electric light but it was gas and er we had erm , I would go for engineering drawing and maths probably I think .
18 Even in these days of recession Warden Sparrow 's books are bound to fetch a 6-figure sum at tomorrow 's auction .
19 Well in these days your your sponges had to be set in the afternoon for the men coming in in the morning .
20 Well in these days , but I mean years and years ago , I mean you , people did n't know what half of that 's going on because there was n't the media coverage any way .
21 Surely in these days of environmental awareness and urban transport problems , companies such as Rolls Royce ( and Lucas ) should invest their technological knowledge and workers ' skills in such things as bicycle components , where there is a growing demand .
22 And then in these days there were pits for going underneath the cars er dug into the ground so as you could get underneath the cars .
23 Instead of these days being taken together in the spring when the estimates were published , ‘ supply days ’ were scattered throughout the session so that the Opposition , which is allowed to choose the subjects , could always have some time available should it wish to raise some immediate aspect of government policy .
24 No , I know , well I mean what is there for young people to look forward to these days and I feel really sorry for them and I mean all I hope is that Jenny will get a job
25 Certainly in these days of ever-greater sharing of roles and delegation of responsibilities , clergy need to acquire management skills as well as the ability to run meetings .
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