Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Fertility increases in Britain occurred in a modest way in the later 1930s and much more strikingly between the mid-1950s and 1960s .
2 She 's given him on right between the legs !
3 Much to Dudley Moore 's surprise , I pull out a small shiny silver pistol and blast him right between the eyes .
4 " Monsieur Devraux 's went through her left ear , but she had another one — yours — right between the eyes ! "
5 Holding my tie as if for balance , he let me have his actor 's stare , right between the eyes .
6 I must admit the ‘ truth ’ did not smack me right between the eyes or make me leap like Archimedes from his bath .
7 The bullet took him right between the eyes , blowing his brains out through the back of his head .
8 But where music has been a constant right through the ages , cinema has been a product of its time .
9 Upon repair , the screws were replaced by bolts passing right through the timbers , and many of the pine timbers were replaced by lengths of jarrah wood .
10 This explicit desire for deep communion with God runs right through the psalms , and it was also characteristic of the early Christian community .
11 If such an experience can be recalled , it usually has the quality of being a person-to-person contact , not necessarily as equals in understanding , but cutting right through the barriers of status and age .
12 We have that many er applications I mean I 've just gone through A division and I 've got er a pile of cards literally an inch thick with people a made an initial inquiry or b they 've been furnished with questionnaires and not been returned , so I 'm sending those er right through the divisions
13 Fly right to the platform under the last button you hit , go up and collect the arrow , go down and right , go left and right through the platforms to get to the bottom , at the bottom go up the other side of the wall , collect the star and fly left over the spikes , collect the arrow and recharge your flying abilities on the star , fly right and go down , go right to the star in the grass , collect it and fly up , push the crate down , fall down .
14 These have continued as prosperous farming villages right through the centuries to the farmers who live in them today .
15 He walked right through the ghosts and through the entrance they had opened .
16 Oh God she 's drawn blood right through the trousers .
17 2 He drops his body weight downward to strike right through the boards .
18 Back at the river , walk down the track , turning right through the trees and follow the Tweed to St Boswells .
19 ‘ Suddenly the bullets ripped right through the walls . ’
20 Because advertising revenue is now critical , a paper or TV channel catering successfully for the views of the poor or the unemployed would soon go bankrupt , whereas those meeting the minority tastes of the wealthy remain financially sound .
21 The main argument for the legitimacy of any authority is that in subjecting himself to it a person is more likely to act successfully for the reasons which apply to him than if he does not subject himself to its authority .
22 All of the Hollywood gloss and glitter was up front in the square where the lines formed and the buskers milked , but the alley was just a mean crack with high walls of featureless brick , somewhere to hide the trash cans and somewhere for the tramps to sleep .
23 erm at the same time , the bones on the side of the skull got sort of gradually disappeared , so that when you clench your jaws there 's got somewhere for the muscles out to bulge out to , supposing you 've got big muscles .
24 These two guys are meant to be on a Gipsy Working Party , finding somewhere for the gipsies to live , and all they can do is argue about it .
25 And with a wave Glenda Grower remounted and rode stylishly through the gates .
26 Iago seems to be acting wholly for the others ' good , since , as he challenges us to deny , ‘ this advice I give is free and honest .
27 The assumption is commonly made that the decisions to be taken in caring for such patients , the therapeutic strategy to be adopted , are wholly medical matters , and thus wholly for the doctors to make , with or without discussion with the patient .
28 Management would not be entitled to interest relief on loans to contribute capital to a partnership which acquires a company because the loans would not be " used wholly for the purposes of a trade carried on by the partnership " ( see s362 ( 1 ) ( b ) ) .
29 But these commissions , mostly for the originals of jokes and cartoons which Willis had managed in former times to sell to magazines , had grown fewer and fewer in the last ten years , as , indeed , had the drawings themselves .
30 He played mostly for the reserves , he was paid cash , it was said , while drawing the dole .
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