Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think if you had asked Freud what 's the minimum number numerically for one of , for the Bond Freud Crowds , Freud would have thought for a bit and I think he would have said three .
2 At a little after one of the sunny afternoon clock they stopped at a vast motorway services area thingy .
3 Thin enough for one of those refugee camps .
4 ‘ You 've no reason to worry , I 'm not a child and anyway the fare is dear enough for one of us , let alone two .
5 It took all three of them to lift him out of the reeking waterlogged shelter through an opening just big enough for one of them at a time .
6 I look good enough for one of those men 's magazines .
7 In Medieval times all the city 's most important public buildings were here , standing in a closed square linked with the rest of the city and reached only through one of six gates or vaults , each of which corresponded to a gate in the old city wall .
8 And he was the caring parent , but only for one of them .
9 Just as the slightest of doubts about him crossed my mind — perhaps during one of his endless lists of the women 's sexual problems — he would throw in a sensible remark about the funding of the National Health Service , or the small amount of time GPs can offer patients , and recovered his credibility .
10 So I do n't know when they 've , when they go but erm they 've won that , it 's obviously through one of their
11 Since the precise criteria of synonymy can not be defined , it is argued , there can be no useful work for this concept to do ; unless one thinks of synonymy merely as one of " degree " .
12 Until well into the nineteenth century the nation 's coalminers were not regarded as a race apart , living and working in closely-knit communities dominated by the colliery 's winding gear and huge , ugly muck stacks , but merely as one of a number of groups of village craftsmen and labourers .
13 He was made out to be the bad guy playing against Seve , especially after one of their clashes at Wentworth in the World Matchplay , but I do n't know .
14 She bit her lip in indecision before once more walking purposefully towards one of the lifts .
15 Some existing treatments of anaphor resolution ignore this problem by only considering one of the sources of candidates ; for example , the algorithms of Sidner ( 1979a ) and the work of Grosz , Joshi & Weinstein ( 1983 ) seem to treat only intersentential anaphora , while much work in theoretical linguistics does not venture beyond sentence boundaries .
16 The steward was elderly , experienced and intelligent , and though he was custodian only of one of the minor properties in Leicester 's huge and international honour , by the sharpening glint in his eye he was in his lord 's confidence , and well acquainted with the mysterious and elaborate coffin so strangely jettisoned in the forest beyond Ullesthorpe .
17 A natural follow-up would be for him to make a model van , perhaps like one of his dad 's .
18 And that last whore he had killed had looked very much like one of those from Petersburg .
19 I got on much better with one of the corporals , Corporal House , who was the cook .
20 She pressed close to my master , stroking his hand gently with one of her fingers .
21 Halfway along one of the rides a gamekeeper stepped into her path .
22 And with his wife gone out for long enough with one of her admirers …
23 Another effective combination is square and circular pictures , perhaps with one of the square pictures above its fellow , and a circular picture either side .
24 ‘ Either you increase my husband 's wages to reflect the work he does on your behalf , or I might find it my duty to persuade him to look for other employment , perhaps with one of the many property owners hereabouts . ’
25 So with one of the four functions normally predominant over the other three we can speak of a sensate , intuitive , thinking or feeling type of person , who can be either extroverted or introverted .
26 I remember him telling Dad that he was on duty outside the King 's Cabin Door when ‘ the dirty old devil was inside with one of his fancy ladies . ’
27 And , it did n't take long with one of them , that was Dennis
28 Mr Wilbraham , together with one of the Tace managers Don Hammond ( managing director , components ) , and James Carr ( now finance director ) stepped in and acquired them for a consideration of £4m .
29 Use the multi purpose brush head together with one of the towels provided to clean tiled surfaces , the bath , shower and the areas that surround them .
30 These items now re-emerge on EMI 's mid-price Phoenixa label , together with one of my favourites among all Bach 's organ pieces — the joyously spirited Fugue à la gigue in G minor ( BWV577 ) which derives from earlier sessions .
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