Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 John 's slight built made him a tantalising opponent , but he had scorching pace and neat control , while also possessing the ability to cut inside and shoot powerfully for goal himself , so that he could always be relied upon to contribute several useful goals each season .
2 Indeed , in America they are arguing furiously about research which suggests that homosexuality is a genetic condition .
3 It has all the right ingredients but somewhere during preparation something went wrong producing an unsatisfying dish with a bitter aftertaste .
4 And when he wanted to get some when he 's old enough for money There must be as well as around some fifty now .
5 This extreme ergonomics stance serves as an antidote to the equally extreme engineering approach in which systems are regarded basically as hardware which for reasons of economic or technological limitations have to depend occasionally on some human performance .
6 There 's still much about meningitis which remains a mystery — why , for instance , cases of the disease come not in isolation but in localised clusters .
7 Not , the constructivist argues , by the enrichment of perceptual input ( in any case the evidence tells us that this is already rich ) : only through action itself .
8 Does their theology then really speak about a real God , or merely about man himself ?
9 This is true only for music which moves in regular patterns , and we could well do otherwise if we wish .
10 But just to prove that the rivalry is only for fun they will be working together on Easter Saturday to organise a penny mile laying in Guisborough .
11 Yeremi almost clung to the former undercity dweller , whether out of strange fellow feeling or only for support he could not have said .
12 The local road , including country lanes and town roads , was to be reserved only for traffic which had business in the locality ; it should be designed to discourage through traffic .
13 All through life one sees the effect of the human mind .
14 Whatever lucky chances there were and miraculous escapes , all through history there have been despoliations , deprivations , tearings asunder , deaths and devastations , and among those to whom nothing is restored must be people around us , people we see .
15 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
16 When people talk together about marriage they often assume they are discussing the same thing .
17 Training should be as specific as possible and so for karateka I recommend either shadow boxing against a mirror , or working out on a light punch bag .
18 All of the sources on the on the network look like so for instance I can do joins across two heterogeneous R D B M Ss. you can have a table with departments in , employee 's in Oracle , and salaries in D B two and I could use a single select statement and join all that information together in a single request to the Omni SQL Gateway .
19 So for instance you may have already have a relational database management system , it may or may not be , but that information exists as a service or service provided on the network .
20 So for instance you may have real-time .
21 So for instance it imagines gradually moving an unstable block ( such as B ) downwards , pivoting on the relevant point of support .
22 So for example you can see chlorine the percentage of chlorine in solution expressed as a , a per centimetre solution is something like twenty four thousand but its percentage in crustal rock is nought point nought one three so there 's this big excess of chlorine to explain .
23 So for example he 's Mill is very keen on the idea of local participation , that everyone should at some point in their lives play a role in local government in some level .
24 We are told the story of a man ( unidentified , so for convenience I shall refer to him as X ) who , though ‘ exclusively heterosexual ’ had become interested in another younger man on the occasion of finding himself in a triangular relationship with him and his ( i.e. the younger man 's ) fiancée at a dinner party .
25 When we come together for worship it is as the body of Christ , to be the body of Christ and to feed on the body of Christ .
26 Perhaps that was what mothers meant when they insisted you should change your underwear daily for fear you should be run over .
27 Very good , so about television what were you saying ?
28 So after dinner I said and she rang the Leeds and they said the cheque comes back here .
29 It 's off now so after tea you can hear it .
30 The bucket had a rope attached to its handle and I skimmed it over the stern to haul up a gallon or so of sea-water which I slammed down in front of Rickie .
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