Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] seen [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Clutterbuck was an architect manqué himself and would obviously have seen their pattern books , including the one from which this design derives : Chinese and Gothick Architecture Properly Ornamented .
2 But there are worse things than loneliness , and I 'm old enough to have seen 'em .
3 Since 1979 , those dependent on state pensions alone have seen their income fall way behind those who had two or more pensions .
4 After a period of very stable numbers between 1985–89 , the PCC will thus have seen its workload increase by 66 per cent in only three years , a trend which shows little sign of ending .
5 They might already have seen her .
6 The writer may well have assumed that most book buyers already know of the existence of a writer called Ernest Hemingway , and even if they did not before they picked up the book , they would already have seen his name on the cover before turning to read this biographical sketch inside .
7 Clare was more brittle and self-contained than Caro could remember ever having seen her .
8 Yanto could not recollect ever having seen him out of a boiler suit .
9 And although Hugh did not recall ever having seen him before he answered contentedly .
10 Now a lot of people when that was first mentioned said ‘ I do n't need that , it 's all right you can look at them if you want to ’ , but afterwards , half-way through their course , they wanted to know that they were theirs and other people would n't see them and have this reassurance that if they wanted to watch it and then wipe it blank , or if they wanted to wipe it blank without ever having seen it themselves , they could do that and no-one was going to ask ‘ What 's going on ? ’ .
11 Francis could n't remember ever having seen anyone so angry .
12 ‘ The picture of Liz on the sofa — she was a woman alone in a room ; as only God , I should have thought , could possibly have seen her .
13 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
14 But its disappearance will be of serious concern to the growing medium-sized business needing a serious injection of equity to continue to fulfil its potential and also the venture capitalist who may always have seen it as a desired exit route for an investment .
15 from Kingston to Lynn to Yarmouth the coast was strewn with wrecked vessels , cliffs had slipped into the sea and disappeared into the brown tide and over in the low-lying lands of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire the salt-waters swished and groped where no man remembered ever to have seen them before .
16 Oh yeah , i in that way er certainly when he produced the bonus contract to go with the saw table , you know we w that was fairly plain , that production would have risen in his estimates quite considerably , and yet our wages in fact would have dropped quite considerably so , yes I mean er it did n't seem quite to tally in the way we would have like to have seen it .
17 It comes from Rostand 's Chantecler , a play which Eliot recalled in 1919 , probably having seen it in Paris where it had been a hit in the winter of 1910 .
18 More damning evidence came from Polly , who said she had seen her mother in Cardiff about a year previously with three children , and a day later had seen her without any .
19 I would rather have seen it move to Merthyr Tydfil , Brecon , or anywhere else , because it is an authority for Wales .
20 Mr Major 's appetite for leaving the country 's problems behind has seen him visit Rio de Janeiro , Bogota and Washington .
21 So our Carl got it back , you know , soon as had seen it , he brought it back , he said I 'm not letting Rosie 's sister see this .
22 But we may well have seen them without registering that fact ; perhaps a film is set in a particular location and we are so involved in the plot that the background scenery enters only our subconscious mind .
23 The Queen 's visit today , may well have seen them finally marching forward .
24 As for King Arthur , Tolkien might well have seen him as a symptom of English vagueness .
25 Anyone passing Belfast 's Europa Hotel on Monday could well have seen it moving to a funky beat — not because of high winds or earthquake , but the first heat of the Coca Cola ‘ 93 Disco Dancing Championships , which are co-sponsored by ‘ Sunday Life ’ .
26 And there is a high proportion of people who know a good deal about what they are looking at and may even have seen it before .
27 The naturalist in the field might not even have seen his specimens alive , but have acquired corpses from local people .
28 Already the tenants here have seen their fuel bills reduced to about £7.00 per week for whole house heating and can now grow fruit instead of mushrooms and other varieties of fungus !
29 They used to go and whole lot of these houses round about here have seen them .
30 ROBBIE I could maybe have seen her if you 'd said .
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