Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him into " in BNC.

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1 This eventually drew him into the company of Frederick Denison Maurice [ q.v. ] and the band of young men who surrounded him , and the combination of their enthusiasm and insights produced the Christian Socialist movement of 1848 to 1854 .
2 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
3 Not only did she need Vitor 's goodwill now , but she could need it some time in the future ; so turning him into an outright no-holds-barred enemy was shortsighted … and potentially dangerous .
4 The thought suddenly spurred him into action .
5 There was a cousin Dilwyn from whom he became inseparable ( they even shared a pair of roller skates ) and to whom he gave the greatest tribute of affection by constantly getting him into trouble .
6 The child 's own feelings were split between mortification at a christening that doomed him to live out for good a pun that he could already see to be gruesome and pride that his father had cared for him enough to embed him into his act by the very roots of his name .
7 Lennie is fascinated by her , but George knows that his fascination will only get him into trouble , so he says :
8 She had actually tried to use the photographs … perhaps to blackmail him into marrying her .
9 He was shifting in her mind suddenly , stepping out of the shadows she had so forcibly pushed him into in self-defence , and she realised her attraction to him was more than just physical .
10 England , too , came to realise his significance which is why , since the Carling-Guscott partnership began , they have tried somehow to work him into the side .
11 Luckily , though , his adventures had already turned him into a local hero , and his bosses were only too happy to allow him to devote as much time as he wanted to his art .
12 What I was really doing , up there in my private darkness , while below he played my mother 's old jazz records and new ones he 'd bought , why I really went so early was to have longer imagining him into his father .
13 Normally this was Beth 's favourite time … when her son was lying sleepy in his bed and she would read him a story about creatures and little people ; gentle stories that soon sent him into a peaceful slumber .
14 Amanullah 's pursuit of his two most cherished objectives , to modernize his country in the shortest possible time and to make it independent of Britain , soon brought him into headlong conflict with Humphrys , whose previous eighteen years in India , mostly among the tribes across the frontier from Afghanistan , had not prepared him to deal with a ruler of such independence of mind .
15 ‘ We 'll soon lick him into shape . ’
16 To her relief , although it was very faint , she found a pulse , and quickly she loosened his tie , unbuttoned his shirt and somehow manoeuvred him into a better position , all the while talking to him , reassuring him , telling him he was safe .
17 In countries , such as Japan , Belgium , and even Ireland , his runs have made him a well known figure , but he remained one of Britain 's unsung sporting heroes , until a magnificent record-breaking run at the NALGO 6-day race last October finally brought him into the headlines .
18 I just thought , yeah , I could just get him into big shit now !
19 Peter Powell 's adventures with kites had already put him into the headlines when he ‘ flew ’ his grandmother , long before he perfected the diamond-shaped stunter that made him a worldwide name from 1974 .
20 Everything goes as planned and I soon bully him into the landing net , and from there the hook is removed and he is slid into my big , knotless keepnet , where he can lie safe and recover while I try to catch him some company .
21 Alex Household drew aside to let him into the flat .
22 ‘ Stay with me , boy , ’ he said in a low voice and Willie gratefully followed him into one of the pews .
23 The hunt steward holding the protester even appears to deliberately push him into the path of the vehicle .
24 And manager Ian Porterfield must decide how quickly to bring him into the first team , though it will be tough to drop Kevin Hitchcock .
25 These are powers which , if abused , could quickly turn him into a dictator .
26 Er , Councillor said how long he he 's known er er and I think he said he also got him into the the Labour Party on the first meeting on their early meeting .
27 As the confused little boy eyed her warily , Kerry tenderly drew him into her arms and sobbed : ‘ I wish you were Ben .
28 One was new and had come instead of his uncle who was ill , but the guards would not let him in because they did not know him by sight and they nearly threw him into the ditch before they would even let him go home .
29 Burton was deep-chested , as strongly built as a Welsh pit-pony , but his very virtues — ‘ fearless ’ — and his total commitment probably threw him into impact tackles which , together with the grinding wear and tear of — the game , did his bones no favours .
30 An elderly office boy wordlessly showed him into a narrow , bumf-heaped office that contained , with difficulty , seven people .
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