Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that in " in BNC.

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1 The Council effectively recognized that in a number of important matters Protestants had been right and Catholics wrong .
2 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
3 It has been widely reported that in Italy , for example , whole industries operate outside the officially recorded economy .
4 It is merely to affirm that in the end if education is to grow deep roots in the working-class , they will be nourished more by what people learn than how they learn ’ .
5 He was astute enough to see that in some ways they shared the same experiences .
6 Since I mention native speakers ' feelings in this connection , and since I am elsewhere rather sceptical about appeals to native speakers ' feelings , I had better explain that in this case my evidence comes from the native speakers of English I have taught in practical classes on transcription over many years .
7 Formerly esquire of the body to Henry the Sixth , Vaughan had become treasurer of the chamber to Edward the Fourth , by whom he was so highly regarded that in 1471 he had been appointed chamberlain to the then one-year-old Prince Edward .
8 And finally , I think that there is a recognition er , from P and R about the community care issue , but it will be important that we obviously debate that in these papers and discuss it this morning .
9 He tried making snowballs as he had in Britain only to find that in these low temperatures he was left with a handful of flour-like snow that simply blew away when he threw it .
10 It has been rightly said that in the thirteenth century the king of France ( unlike the king of England ) possessed no direct control over the whole kingdom : ‘ outside the domain , default alone allowed him to act ’ .
11 And I only hope that in the end our roads will become so clogged with all these fume-belching cars and lorries that everyone will give them up and start going by train again .
12 However , this does not necessarily ensure that in practice ‘ the allocation of [ training ] responsibilities , which will be different in every organisation , [ will be ] clear and unambiguous ’ , or that the training will be planned and implemented , systematically and uniformly .
13 At five o'clock tea was served to the Empress and about 20 of her guests , the groups being so organized that in the course of a week all of them enjoyed this privilege , thus avoiding any outbursts of jealousy or recrimination .
14 It so happens that in this example , ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) are false .
15 … In the present case it is not even averred that the defendants knew of the pregnancy of the plaintiff 's mother when they received her as a passenger ; it is merely averred that in fact she was then quick with child , viz. with the plaintiff , to whom she subsequently gave birth .
16 And , from my experience , I can only believe that in some measure , the courts are guilty of supporting the police in this attitude , for the sake of maintaining a status quo .
17 Pollini 's technique is legendary , and I can only report that in his fiftieth year ( a large retrospective mid-price boxed set please , DG ! ) , there are still no discernible chinks in the armour ( indeed , a recent Petrushka Three Movements at the RFH would appear to suggest that he is , if anything , playing better than ever ) !
18 It just so happened that in Axelrod 's original tournament about half the entries were nice .
19 It so happened that in 1885 a Royal Commission had been set up " to investigate and report upon , the condition of the blind in the United Kingdom , the various systems of education of the blind … the employments open to and suitable for the blind and the means by which education may be extended so as to increase the number of blind persons qualified for such employments . "
20 This passage of Diodorus rightly emphasizes that in times of peace there were benefits in having a rich neighbour like Carthage .
21 Instinctively she knew how to pleasure him in return , exalted when he moaned at the delicacy of her touch and begged for her to increase the pressure of her caresses , until they reached the point of no return together , their bodies joining in a union so satisfying , so complete that in that moment of culmination Gina no longer felt a separate entity .
22 I only know that in 1990 I had to pay £20,000 or thereabouts in interest repayments alone for a business loan excluding repayment of the mortgage .
23 One can only hope that in their visits to these firms over the last few days , Ray Noorda and Roel Pieper were sufficiently persuasive .
24 ‘ I can only hope that in the course of your … investigations the evidence against me is not too incriminating . ’
25 The kindness of Cinzia Miletti 's heart was a quality Zen had considerable difficulty in imagining where Ivy Cook was concerned , but he found it easy enough to believe that in her husband 's absence Cinzia had been feeling bored and had welcomed any excuse for going into Perugia .
26 However , it is less appreciated that in many cases the causality also appears to work in the opposite direction ; that is , the nature of the British housing system tends to form and perpetuate major demographic differentials in terms of fertility , nuptiality and marital breakdown , and mortality .
27 By a notice of appeal dated 1 June 1992 W. appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the High Court had no jurisdiction , or alternatively no jurisdiction should be exercised , to overrule the refusal of a competent minor aged 16 to undergo medical treatment ; ( 2 ) section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 should have been applied ; ( 3 ) the judge had erred in applying observations of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 which were erroneous ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly found that in respect of the Children Act 1989 the minor 's right of refusal was limited to the stage of assessment ; and ( 5 ) the judge had failed to have sufficient regard to the medical evidence against transferring W. , to the advantages of not moving her and to her wishes and his decision was plainly wrong .
28 He only knew that in his anxious and over-concerned life his second greatest fear was that she might leave .
29 There was an element of choice in Sukarno 's arrest ; he could have escaped into the surrounding countryside , but he awaited capture , perhaps calculating that in arresting him the Dutch were outraging international opinion .
30 He rightly felt that in the age of nuclear weapons any future war in Europe would be an act of suicide and so from 1956 he appealed repeatedly for an improvement in East-West relations and for super-power disengagement in the continent 's central heartland .
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