Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Were hoping to get a mini bus , I do n't think we ought take a bus because we were very badly treated when we did that , we do n't to allow ourselves open to that again , but I have written to say were hoping to get enough people to take a mini bus .
2 They found a café down a side-street , and were about to find somewhere to sit when she heard a voice call out to Piers .
3 Just as any oppressed man is most enslaved when he becomes shameful in his own eyes , so the Christian is deepest in captivity when not only in his believing but in his doubting too he dances to the tune of his culture 's parody of his faith .
4 Keith takes this further : ‘ We were a little limited when we were recording the guitars , limited by the size of the room and the fact that some of the gear was n't working properly , so obstructive forces were at work and this is where compromise comes in ; you 're spending all this time when you know it could be a lot better . ’
5 David acknowledged the complexity of Peru 's problems yet he remained an optimist , becoming most heated when he talked about those who repeated endlessly that Peru was a poor country .
6 Grief is most powerfully eased when it can be shared .
7 I was rather devastated when she told me she was moving to Crieff , as she made major contributions to the work of the Library here ; she had a long-term future , and her personality made many friends for the Library among our users .
8 The grant payable depended upon the number of children who could read , write , and do arithmetic to the satisfaction of the individual inspector , and therefore it was not unnatural that every effort was made by the managers of the school , to see that the inspectors ’ tastes in such other matters as food and drink were duly considered when he visited them .
9 Daylight had long broken when he reached the inevitable conclusion : he was ready to confront the murderer .
10 One patient was only diagnosed when he presented with small bowel lymphoma .
11 my legs , I suddenly realized when I was changing at the swimming pool , and thought oh sod it , who 's gon na notice , I mean , at half past seven , I really ca n't get that excited about it .
12 In fact , they seem to get a good price for their equity , because they only sell when they sense that investors feel lucky .
13 Will and I ran like the wind and only stopped when we reached the river .
14 She ran through the woods and only stopped when she reached the fence between the woods and the Botanical Gardens , which spread for a great distance along one side .
15 He sorted through Blanche 's things deliberately , one by one , and only stopped when he came to the building-society books she had purloined and Marek 's exercise book .
16 It might be thought reasonable to treat all cases of NSU so diagnosed when they initially present to the clinic as if they had a sexually transmitted disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics , and , indeed , this is common practice in most clinics .
17 ‘ It was as if The Wedding Present only formed when I joined , which was nice in a way , ’ says Charman .
18 Uncle Bill had run a car for her on his company while he was alive but of course that had all stopped when he died .
19 Many years ago I was taking notes in a legal matter and only realised when I was transcribing them that police commissioner and police constable have the same initials .
20 The pungency of mustard is only realised when it is mixed with cold water ; salt , vinegar and hot water inhibit the flavour , producing a milder condiment .
21 Moncur conceded that his team could be better organised when they do not have the ball , but he should be congratulated for encouraging their skills .
22 Erm I mean I I have some concerns , like Cynthia , about the number of careers officers who suddenly appear when you say there 's a visit to , Hull University , and we 've got people coming from all over the county and it 's costing us a fortune .
23 The Attorney General can only act when he is asked to .
24 This apparent contradiction is only resolved when we realize that man in his ( sic ) present state is sub-human — ie less than God intended and created .
25 The point is this : trust is only applauded when it is not seen to be misplaced .
26 Not another appearance of his unknown sibling , it felt quite different , in any case that creature was very , very private , only appearing when they were alone .
27 The true significance of witchcraft is only disclosed when it is set within its full configuration of mystical forces ; the same applies to ancestor cults .
28 There will be time enough to worry when she finds out , when Philip tells her .
29 Small-sized enclaves * can only survive when they are protected from crab predation by one means or another .
30 Developments in antislavery — both the spread of local associations and the splitting off of the Agency campaign — were portrayed as only occurring when they were functionally necessary and productive of minimal conflict .
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