Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] get [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , most users saw the centres as somewhere to go to get out of the house rather than somewhere to learn .
2 Slowly Georg got out of the van , looked around to make sure there was no-one who knew him , then he walked quickly across to the station restaurant , entered , and hid himself quickly in a booth that had a view of the rails .
3 ‘ Now that has been reached , he will only want to get on with the future . ’
4 ’ I do n't much want to get anywhere , ’ I mumbled .
5 They were the big surprise at Phillips ' auction of collectors ' items in Oxford , they were only expected to get about fifty pounds .
6 ‘ I hope you 're not in too much hurry to get home , ’ said Mrs Wright .
7 ‘ We very much want to get on with the renovating it . ’
8 w better equipped to get out onto B R's mainframe computer systems , a and the problems that we 've had in the past with regards to Micromail ha should disappear .
9 Well you know , you 've only got to get maybe smallpox back again and that will knock all their predictions for six .
10 I was only going to get out what I was gon na give to you to put it , you said you were putting it in
11 It 's like , but I 'm only going to get out of erm this band
12 We 're all going to get either cancer or heart disease .
13 However , in a foreword to the report , Lady Howe , the campaign 's chairman , stresses that the initiative is a long-term one and that it is only beginning to get underway .
14 He would have liked to give more information , ask someone to research the final days of the tsar ; but he knew that would only have got back to the KGB , and in this game secrecy was the only key he held .
15 In either case Kasper could only have got there , like many of the top racers , on crutches .
16 He had no alternative ; had he remained in London after 1920 , the antagonism to him could only have got more obdurate and more brutal .
17 Of course now it 's warm enough to start getting out in the garden , what could be better than to take a selection of water toys to play with in the paddling pool outside ?
18 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
19 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
20 in fact erm we only managed to get away with it by having the one
21 George stared at her and suddenly ached to get away , to take his coat and his briefcase and get into the car and escape to the haven of the Unit and work and the baby and … which brought him back to the reason for his starting to probe her feelings about the project .
22 There were several places kids obviously did get through ; Maxim widened one by yanking loose another plank and ducked in .
23 I ca n't imagine anyone intimidating Jan , but she swears she only married to get away from her .
24 You watch , eleven o'clock we 'll all start to get really friendly with them
25 We actually much prefer to get on with what we 're there to do , and to , to offer services , to find , to find ways of supporting vulnerable people .
26 They will be constantly trying to get back into licensed dealers , or else will settle for a different sort of trickery .
27 They had a restaurant in Paris and suddenly wished to get out into the country .
28 The festival will feature more than twenty bands and if it all does get too much for you .
29 You can scale the walls if you are so determined to get away , but what then ? ’
30 So enter to get out of help .
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