Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for that " in BNC.

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1 The breed was initially dual-purpose , whatever its colour , but for the most part ceded its milking role to the neighbouring Ayrshire ; it has continued as a beef breed but has never been intensively developed for that role .
2 Look through the books and patterns you have , see what 's available at your local knitting centre , perhaps send for that book you never bought earlier and have a really fun time with the wealth of designs from Iris Bishop or Wendy Phillips or whoever you like best .
3 ‘ When the first bell went and I saw the way Lennox was going after him I told the guys watching with me that Ruddock had better watch for that left of Lewis 's or he 'd be counter-punched with the right and get himself knocked out — and that 's exactly what happened . ’
4 Some of the congregation are not regulars , but they 're none the less welcome for that .
5 After several public meetings to discuss plann-ing matters the bureaucracy were left confounded , much to the delight of the ratepayers who may have only attended for that reason !
6 Much obliged for that , Albert , ’ said Joe , and explained that he 'd got a guest and how it came about , although he said nothing about the wallet or the men .
7 Oh thank you sir , I 'm much obliged for that .
8 [ Richard Long 's ] forms , the marks , the accidental decantations of sensitive strolls , do not possess the ‘ imperfection ’ of the natural , they are the archetypes of human sublimation that deliberately establish a certain landscape counterpoint , a kind of megalithic writing , but their elaboration is so cared for that it tends towards a dialectic not of oppositions but of alliances .
9 ‘ Not much demand for that sort of business .
10 You need more volume for a full hall than an empty one , so allow for that when you 're testing — which will probably be in an empty hall .
11 There would n't be much use for that in the morning .
12 next week , it would only pay for that one wo n't he ?
13 You can all bid for that one cos that 's the black art 's gallery and you all need it , so
14 But it only works for that particular
15 A representative chosen by the people of a particular constituency should presumably speak for that constituency .
16 ‘ In some areas we are already competing for that work ’ .
17 Both Holywood and Instonians use the Olympia synthetic pitch as home venues , which threw up the possibility of the games being played back-to-back on April 24 — but the Centre has been already booked for that date for a Celtic boys football tournament .
18 can you just watch for that lovey cos you 're talking .
19 Oh I was just looking for that .
20 Well you just pay for that .
21 You would generally go for that one in the market would n't you ?
22 So just go for that I mean you see you 're looking for the pattern , you ca n't know ninety odd elements and what the carbonate of every one does , what the sulphate of every one , what the nitrate of each one , bicarbonate , hydrogen carbonate of each one .
23 I keep thinking , well shall I colour it again or shall I just go for that bit there ?
24 The union already fought for that rate and they got it .
25 Before without really knowing it , I was just preparing for that one lesson to get through that one lesson , but partly I think as a matter of survival in this situation , because I had never taught children before and really did n't have an overview at that point .
26 These people are already preparing for that .
27 Similarly , in an extended theme , there will usually be one supreme climax , and once again the highest note is best reserved for that point .
28 He says there are lots of tourists and it 's a shame they just come for that .
29 I 'll just settle for that .
30 Oh , I 've already qualified for that next year .
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