Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably attempts will be made to agree expenditure ceilings post-1992 to avoid the outbreak , at a later date , of inter-institutional frictions .
2 Corporate executives contemplating the possibility of being required to commit corporate crimes know that they face a regulatory agency which for the most part will be unable to detect what is going on , and in the minority of cases when it does , it will have no heart and few resources to pursue the matter into the criminal courts .
3 ‘ I had hoped that Bishop Julian or perhaps Rosalind might be of use here .
4 He was so ordinary as to be extraordinary , so obscure that only stealth could be his calling .
5 Perhaps prayer might be the answer , ’ said Grace .
6 The grave was Kirov 's first contact point ; a seed from which casual conversation and perhaps sympathy might be persuaded to grow .
7 Perhaps money could be offered to any man or woman who volunteers to be sterilised ?
8 Erm perhaps money could be spent on on face-lifting the areas , because a lot of the structures the s themselves seem very stable and sound .
9 ‘ I 'm quite happy here , ’ and she would have been if only Peony could be pleased .
10 The messenger descends quickly enough when its propellant vanes collapse , so provision must be made for a soft landing of any weighty camera unit .
11 In this particular situation , a letter of support would indicate a legal or commercial obligation , and so provision should be made against the debit minority interest recognised in the consolidated balance sheet .
12 This is unlike other adult service users whose motivation is likely to be high and whose need is consistent , so assessment should be .
13 Perhaps Sawallisch should be persuaded to record the work now , though I very much doubt whether he would be able to recapture the real sense of occasion which makes this disc such a compelling experience .
14 So money would be paid out basically from day one Makes sense .
15 So money can be found when the Government feel that it is necessary for them to sustain their vote throughout the country .
16 For it is being questioned whether a symbol which would appear to be necessarily male can be said to be inclusive of all humanity .
17 I must see her every day , she must face it full on and she , as , I must stay here , and so Alison must be here too .
18 Adjusting VR2 gives a symmetrical waveform and you can do it by ear by reducing the frequency so that only harmonics can be heard .
19 Or perhaps Romania could be the testing ground for co-operation between Nato and the Warsaw Pact and they should mount a joint expeditionary force .
20 Perhaps Sophie will be back soon .
21 Yet it is the state that ensures that only solicitors may be paid for transferring interests in land or that only doctors may issue death certificates .
22 Perhaps N might be 10 , in which case the chip is a 1 Kbit memory .
23 At present , only shareholders may be offered the choice .
24 At that time of the afternoon I knew only Lisabeth would be home , so I was n't too worried .
25 Malignant disease , especially colonic neoplasia is rare in young subjects so investigations should be tailored to the patients age and the clinical setting .
26 This may be an emotional experience , so trial should be on an individual basis and not within a group .
27 Like other fair-minded people , we wanted to see more help given to these parents and their children ; and it was plain that over the next ten years or so Parliament would be doing that , and our scheme would be one of the instruments used for that purpose .
28 Perhaps Hyacinth would be a better bet than Amaranth ?
29 After all , most people live on the coast and there are large areas inland for sheep farming so wool must be cheap .
30 ‘ We were kids , were n't we , and about as unrealistic as only kids can be !
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