Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It gets political in its indictment of the corrupt railroad — it ‘ leaves two shiny , slimy tracks like a snail ’ — that is the representation of a rapaciously capitalist civilisation , and dares to traduce Fonda , Monument Valley and sundry rather icons of the Ford universe .
2 Fortunately , although Johnny and Susan and Harbajahn and Khadijah are individual personalities with a myriad variety of individual differences , they are all recognizably part of the genus homo sapiens , whatever the embattled teacher may sometimes wonder .
3 Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour .
4 It was not all going to be wine and roses ; and Leonard again felt the sharp problem of the Canadian writer at that time — having a small home market , not wishing to become artistically part of the ‘ 53rd State ’ of America , and yet having nowhere else to go .
5 And if given to us as actual temptations , the rather lure of the church , the Reverend Simon Stephen Daedalus SJ , and the lure of the flesh ‘ He closed his eyes , surrendering himself to her body and mind , conscious of nothing in the world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips ’ .
6 Indeed Lukes has very plausibly argued that equality of opportunity fundamentally conflicts with the idea of equal concern and respect ( Lukes , 1973 , p. 126 ) .
7 Could you take a part which would involve the wearing of an acid-yellow loose négligée for the most part of the proceedings ?
8 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
9 Synonymous for the most part with the hegemonic culture of the bourgeoisie , the novel is not a form easily adapted to the demands of a revolutionary communist ideology explicitly contesting the assumptions of the class by which the form itself was fashioned .
10 Mr Strachan 's time in office coincided for the most part with the tenure as Librarian of the late Professor Denis Roberts .
11 For were not the brothels and whorehouses of Panama City and pre-revolutionary Havana developed for the most part for the benefit of American troops ?
12 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
13 Er , generally and for the most part and for the most part at the end of the day they 'll come up with completely irrelevant er things .
14 Restrictive practices concerned with crewing nationality are to continue for the most part until the end of the century .
15 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
16 In May 1990 Cape Verde joined the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) in a move designed to encourage investment from the estimated 600,000 expatriate Cape Verdeans living for the most part in the USA and Europe .
17 She was the latest of a long line of girlfriends , drawn for the most part from the upper reaches of the aristocracy , who had appeared on his romantic horizon .
18 Some of them are , of course , capital cities , comparable only to London , but most of the others ( we tend to forget ) have equally been great urban centres for many hundreds of years , while Britain 's biggest cities are mostly products of the Industrial Revolution .
19 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
20 But they knew that on the left lay the Waste ; and that somewhere west of the Waste , no one knew precisely where , was the Great Camp of the outlaws .
21 During the final BLDC session in Beijing , seven members ( presumably part of the minority Hong Kong contingent ) had voted against the draft .
22 ‘ Jeez , how on earth d' ya take a bath and how is your love life ’ were presumably part of the empathy process from Gerry and his audience almost comatose with voyeurism and in need of splints for drop-jaw .
23 I would want to argue that if our goal is a religious situation in which women and men are accounted equals , we shall need to promote not continuity but rather discontinuity with the past .
24 We 're all prone to do that , were all prone to take the line of least resistance and you find this not just in the truth but in any sort of community in life , in any area of life that wish to go , you , you may find this at work or at school , you youngsters , there 's always a little Johnny at the back is n't it , that , that will fit in the back row and think if I 'm back here teacher wo n't notice you see , were act were actually tuck himself up in the corner and er think well if I 'm , if I 'm up here nobody will notice me and see the day goes by and er we do n't have so much to do , those are the type of people that in , in , in a physical life er sort of going to sleep are n't they , they do n't want to accept responsibility and we , we find even in the truth , you 'll always find it in congregations like we have here in our congregation , we 're not different , we 're all the same are n't we , we 're all flesh and we 're all imperfect and we 're all prone to doing or wanting to do the things that are different or you know than , than what Jehovah wants us to do and we all want to tuck ourselves up a little corner sometimes and yet we should n't be like that and this is what the scriptures tell us and warn us about to put ourselves headlong into the truth , be whole sole , be awake , be alert , be vigilant to the things that are going on and there 's a lot going on in the truth at this particular time , things are changing , the scriptures tell us that the scene of the world is changing and that 's true is n't it ?
25 Increasing excise duties on alcohol and tobacco have traditionally allowed Chancellors of the Exchequer to raise revenues with a matronly wag of the finger that suggests they are trying to do us a favour .
26 Wootton Courtenay , a Somerset village of 90 households , three businesses ( a post office , a garage and a shop ) and a bus that comes twice a week , has recently won a battle to keep the heart of its community — the village shop — mostly thanks to the driving force of Stephen Parnell .
27 If I had to make a comparison , I can only really compare an Aeronca to some of the latest two-seat side-by-side kitplanes like the Avid Flyer .
28 Only hair of the highest quality is used which is bonded to small sections of your hair .
29 It 's only money at the end of the day .
30 Both are well known to the veteran Franklin D. Murphy , who is not only Chairman of the Trustees of the National Gallery , but a Trustee of LACMA and , until recently , of the Getty Trust ( see The Art Newspaper No. 4 , January 1991 , Vernissage section ) .
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