Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 Guests are often late and rarely sit down at the table on time .
2 Three times through the winter , Cascade had been within days of being fully formed , only to fall down at the last minute .
3 BARRY LANE produced a best-of-the-week 66 to come from eight behind to force a tie with Jose-Maria Canizares ( 74 ) in the Rome Masters at windswept Castelgandolfo yesterday , only to lose out at the fourth play-off hole .
4 They only gazed back at us with eerie little smiles .
6 Seeing Alice 's commenting face , Muriel said swiftly , " But he only got back at three this morning , and those Channel boats …
7 Hareton inherited nothing from his father , and could only stay on at Wuthering Heights as a servant , working for the man who had been his father 's enemy .
8 Their rooms at the Royal Albion Hotel were just a few doors from each other and it was Ken 's job to see that she always had her mug of cocoa before going to bed — and indeed that she was warmly tucked up at the right time for a lady of her years and responsibilities .
9 With only three minutes remaining in their Sharwood 's Irish Senior Cup semi-final clash against Pegasus , Sinead , who had only come on at the start of the second-half , popped up to score the only goal of the game .
10 We are concerned in fact that er the western nations did n't rather deplore earlier er Hussein 's actions against his own people using chemical weapons , and we think it 's a shame for us that we 've only come in at this point , and we must come in carefully I think .
11 And he denied a suggestion that the health promotion role could be better carried out at district health authority level because of the need to take an overall view of priorities .
12 In fact it seemed that at that time ( early 1977 ) sexual examination had become common practice at Heathrow Immigration Department , apparently carried out at the whim of the officials .
13 Noreen suddenly looked up at the Italian woman .
14 She was reassured when he suddenly looked down at her and winked appreciatively .
15 He only glances up at the television occasionally , as he is intent on finishing these as quickly as possible in order to give himself ti me to write a letter home to his wife .
16 Isabel could only gape up at him .
17 It was such a shock to feel his animosity directed so unwaveringly towards her ; even though , after last night , she could have been prepared for something , she could only gape down at him .
18 She was a docile creature and merely looked round at me as she cropped the grass ; and her eyes were no longer sunken but bright and full .
19 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
20 Bitterly aware of a deep tide of crimson flooding over her face and body , she could only glare back at him with deep loathing .
21 Most people are amazed at our continuing friendship , but no malice is intended : even her nephew , Crawford , good-humouredly looked up at her recently purchased Venetian chandelier and asked , ‘ Aunt Margaret , is that plastic ? ’
22 True , he gets himself so wound up at times that he ca n't help himself .
23 Nothing is more infuriating than reading about something that appeals to you , only to find out at the end that you are not eligible .
24 ‘ The sandwiches 'll be all curled up at the edges , ’ his mum complained .
25 Had she herself perhaps dropped off at one point ?
26 Most shoplifters give themselves away by constantly looking around at cameras and cashiers or staying in the same area for a long time .
27 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
28 Knighthoods go to the class acts , the Andrew Lloyd Webbers of this world , as well as the dull but self-important people who have merely turned up at their desks in Whitehall for enough years .
29 ‘ You at least have confidence in him , ’ Owen said , thoughtfully frowning down at Hotspur 's vehement hand .
30 A Sergeant with a crudely reconstructed pink blob of a nose — obviously bitten off at some stage in his professional or previous career — sat at a damascened bronze data-desk stained green with cupreous patina .
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