Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 6 preliminary results showed that 87 per cent of those eligible had acquired citizenship , but 370,000 people who had not taken Lithuanian citizenship effectively became stateless or foreign citizens ; dual citizenship had not been permitted .
2 ‘ We duly became airborne and flew back to base with no further trouble .
3 Smaller fields , however , could be commercially developed onshore and fields as small as 50 Bcf might be an attractive proposition offshore , if they were to be developed as satellites to larger fields .
4 The bullards , or bull chasers , would secretly prepare uncouth and wild costumes and the week before the chase their imps would holler through the town , ‘ Hoy , bull , hoy ! ’ , in anticipation of the excitement .
5 When she went to look round she was both daunted and enchanted by its dark , gloomy interior which was mostly painted green and seemed to be trapped in a 19th-century time warp .
6 The findings were , essentially , that those rats or students receiving the uncontrollable unpleasant experience began by making determined efforts to stop or escape it , but after a lack of success , eventually became passive and helpless .
7 I eventually became worried and then frightened .
8 Work here will concentrate in areas like information technology , and further liquid crystal research which will eventually make 3-dimensional and high definition television widely available .
9 Word level restrictions may be imposed on the lattice by only allowing character sequences that form words ( thereby allowing semantic and other higher-level to be applied ) .
10 To make a contribution to educational policy and practice by generating practical suggestions for how computers may be used effectively to stimulate exploratory and reasoned argument in the classroom , with particular reference to the curriculum goals of English and spoken language development across a range of curriculum areas .
11 The Haifa Bay route would have constituted a serious disruption as it passed overland through intensively developed urban and farming areas to the Jordan Valley , destroying property and agricultural land .
12 I 'd rather stay single and celibate for the rest of my life ! ’
13 Women who had long since stopped listening except to their own ossified ramblings .
14 Labourism is not to be understood merely in its institutions and strategies ; it emerged from and is rooted within lived social and material relationships .
15 After successfully completing written and practical examinations , with language exams when appropriate , the Northamptonshire Tourist Guides are now qualified to offer walking tours , coach excursions and visits to attractions such as churches , museums and historic houses , ensuring that visits are enjoyable as well as informative .
16 Notorious articles ( 141 , 142 and 163 ) of the penal code dating from the 1930s which effectively outlawed communist or fundamentalist opinion were abolished by the new legislation .
17 But I slowly became aware that they were all looking at me — just the time that sergia became aware of the direction of my gaze .
18 And yet , as she floated in a dream-like state , she felt no alarm when she slowly became aware that she was not alone , almost telepathically sensing his presence , even before the dark , sleek head of Ross quietly surfaced in the water beside her , barely disturbing the total peace and silence of their surroundings .
19 Perth has many colourful attractions for tourists , it enjoys a high quality of life and I am sure that it will continue successfully to attract national and international tourists .
20 If the symptoms of a latent miasmatic state appear , the remedy should be changed suitably and if a nosode is chosen then the centesimal scale will have to be used as except for Bacillunum these are not available in fifty millesimal form ( the Helios Pharmacy now has most nosodes available as LM 's ) .
21 Criticisms such as these were so widely deemed effective that by the middle of the 1960s Realism was popularly held to have been superseded as the dominant approach in the discipline .
22 From the top of the stairs , one may enter either the temporary exhibition galleries , or the circuit of newly climate-controlled , track-lit , chronologically installed American and European picture galleries , containing masterworks such as Mantegna 's so-called ‘ Esther and Mordecai ’ grisaille , Bronzino 's ‘ Portrait of Eleanor of Toledo and her Son ’ , Guercino 's ‘ Mars with Cupid ’ , Giambologna 's small bronze ‘ Rape of the Sabines ’ , Terborch 's newly restored ‘ The music party ’ , and Gainsborough 's ‘ Portrait of Mrs Philip Thicknesse ’ .
23 The role of the regionals is not only to report national and international news if they are a daily , but to reflect what is going on in their area .
24 Where will these highly trained , expensively developed clinical and academic staff , who depend on their teams , go to ?
25 Yet , tragically , the marriage which had promised so much became empty and joyless in later years .
26 Since only involves slack and artificial variables and , usually , only structural variables are subject to upper bounds , slack and artificial variables do not have associated implicit rows .
27 Gesner , sniffing the advance of his adoring fans , suddenly became smug and rather patronizing .
28 Sorrel , asleep on the settee , suddenly became alert and looked expectantly in the direction of the kitchen .
29 Maggie was about to reply when she suddenly became aware that her feet were wet again .
30 They put the ideas together and I suddenly became aware that they were teaching me about substitutionary atonement .
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