Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 He is trying to produce a generation which will eventually stay outside all year round .
2 Okay Linfield and Bangor are probably two of the best teams in Irish football but the point I 'm making is that Carrick 's team deficiencies were blatantly exposed for all to see .
3 Response to the moh lam presentations demonstrates that it is throughly enjoyed by all .
4 As all Iraqis know , Saddam himself is Sunni , despite his claim to descent from Ali ; and the putative victory over Iran was presumably won by all Iraqis , Shia and Sunni alike .
5 More importantly , I can see that I am very effectively disposing of all the apparent or alleged similarities between Daniel Miller and myself .
6 Norman Cook is a little unnerved by all this interest .
7 After the third day of REM sleep deprivation little sleep at all was being achieved , and the symptoms that the subjects showed were a combination of the effects of total sleep deprivation and suggestion .
8 Capt Forgrave 's citation said he ‘ became widely respected by all sides as a courageous , totally honest and highly capable officer . ’
9 The Alexander technique would be invaluable if it were properly included in all drama training programmes .
10 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
11 For this reason , the announcement this Thursday of the recommendations of the Murray committee for the future structure of county cricket from 1993 onwards will be keenly awaited by all in the game .
12 The stone castle was only developed at all widely in the eleventh century , when the large keep , fort and dwelling-house in one , of which the Tower of London is a particularly fine example , came into fashion among men of exceptional wealth .
13 In the last section we have come to the interesting conclusion that B may alone exist of all our variables but we reached that conclusion on a magnet shape not much used in practice .
14 Now she was suddenly drained of all energy , as though spent by the effort .
15 The Council indicated a few limited examples of such circumstances ( e.g. to the newly baptized in a Mass following their baptism ) , but here again , once admitted , the essential rightness of Communion under both kinds became more and more widely recognized so that communion is now so given at all Masses in many churches and dioceses throughout the world .
16 Then there were those first matches against other counties , with ‘ Beefy ’ present and apparently firing on all cylinders .
17 But one of this chapter 's implications is that their preoccupations may not have been so misplaced after all .
18 She was n't happy , she was suddenly plunged into all this pressure and it was a nightmare for her .
19 She looked sideways at Finn to see if he was sufficiently irritated by all this .
20 This overriding goal entails that the best constitutional arrangements each person can reach while acting in conformity with his own moral ideals are morally valid , and since the commonly agreed upon arrangements are so regarded by everyone , they are morally binding on all .
21 The right hon. Gentleman gave his usual vintage performance , with many justified facts and views , and it was warmly received in all parts of the House , not only for its humour but for some of his more sombre comments about the present ominous geophysical appearance of Europe .
22 The bank was completely under the control of Mr Abdić and his colleagues , and apparently complied with all their wishes .
23 All the side chains from the heavy chain involved in hydrogen bonding or hydrophobic interactions are highly conserved in all four gamma heavy chain subclasses in mouse and human .
24 ( A further alternative would be the abolition of personal private transport but since the flexibility offered by private transport is obviously much prized in all societies this alternative is not considered further .
25 Only then does he discover that the system of which he is a hero is not so highly regarded by all its customers .
26 The rally was very well supported and the varied programme of classes and displays was much enjoyed by all those present .
27 And I only hope that in the end our roads will become so clogged with all these fume-belching cars and lorries that everyone will give them up and start going by train again .
28 Some schools are so overburdened by all this activity that they have been forced to draft in extra staff to deal with the more mundane aspects of education — like teaching children .
29 The reticence which had surrounded the subject for so long had suddenly collapsed on all sides .
30 In toto , these constitute an image of a world filled with dangers , human and non-human , known and unknown , which constantly menace from all sides , and against which the lone individual is helpless .
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