Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 University posts , however , were an attractive means of obliging friends , and a good deal safer , for popular feeling was rarely aroused and it was relatively easy to escape from an importunate friend by arguing that the place had already been promised .
2 Another six inch long wound on his stomach is not as deep , but the area is badly swollen and he has another inch deep wound on his front leg where the knife was stuck in . ’
3 His ankle is badly swollen and he is struggling for the weekend . ’
4 I called in Doctor Andrews last night — I felt a little shaken and I do n't like that hotel fellow — and he supplied me with the information , ’ was the reply .
5 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
6 Anyway , forty six and then we had no house , at all , because my mother had died and my father , we said to my father you leave if you want to we should be alright we 'll find somewhere to go and we did n't and we had to have a Nissan hut for about a year , supplied by the Council
7 Both of these people may be too senior for a discussion on props , but they have the most influence and you might be able to interest them in an idea for future use .
8 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
9 The cars would pass and re-pass each other in a game of motorway weaving , the sons manoeuvring their powerful Mercedes around each other until the women eventually objected or they themselves tired of the sport .
10 The regulars , as she put it , had mostly departed and she and her husband were soon going to close down that side of the business for the winter .
11 ‘ Did you enjoy seeing your father 's studio ? ’ she suddenly asked and it seemed to Jenna that not only did Alain stiffen alarmingly but Marguerite appeared to ice over .
12 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
13 Perhaps stopped and you 're insured
14 Ten months is quite long enough to wait and you should try to get back to the specialist for another course of the ‘ kick-start ’ treatment .
15 Jim and Jonathan had been away , picketing and pamphleteering in Reading , had simply been not available , and Jo 's squat had been suddenly repossessed and it did not occur to any of the women that the boys would mind .
16 Since I repotted it this spring into a generous-sized pot , it has not only burgeoned but I 've also found it much easier to keep the compost just nicely moist .
17 ‘ When they realise there 's work and money involved — when you refuse to take their problem — the penny suddenly drops and they might just consider spaying .
18 The moment Ferdinando left , with only the most cursory of farewells , to go by train and boat to Rome in advance of the main Party , the icy wind which had swept through the city most unexpectedly throughout October suddenly dropped and it was as if it were summer again .
19 She 's been their senior presenter for ten years now , handling everything from live interviews to those awful moments when a filmed report is suddenly dropped and she is left to fill time with cheerily improvised observations — ‘ that 's when I really earn my money . ’
20 He was terribly mangled and it was a miracle that he survived .
21 ‘ … the guy called me the minute he got back to his office and he said : ‘ Mo do you agree with me that judge was as wet as hell ? ’ and I said : ‘ If you so say but he was sure swimming in the right pool . ’
22 If it had all succeeded and we 'd taken him back … ?
23 On the day I hit the big Four-O , the fog suddenly lifted and I celebrated non-stop .
24 My Thanks are due , ’ Prince wrote to Jardine on 7 April 1840 , ‘ for your instructions respecting the specimens in spirits , which I have since carefully examined , separated and supplied with fresh spirit ; many of them I regret to add are much decomposed and I fear some may at last prove useless . ’
25 Sometimes I 'd have to sit with her until she was sober enough to stand and I could shoulder her home , snapping a curt reply , ‘ It 's all right , I can take care of her , ’ to kind enquirers .
26 The Divine purpose of life is almost entirely forgotten and he spends each lifetime self-centredly chasing after vanishing mirages .
27 He had only to appear and she could feel her emotions bubbling to the surface .
28 I wonder what it 'd be like if the phone suddenly rung and it was for me .
29 This takes about six weeks — just as you 're about to hand in your notice , it suddenly clicks and they are doing it themselves without you having to say anything .
30 when you turn your key it suddenly clicks and it clicks the thingy forward
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