Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 He then went on to describe the very considerable commercial and economic disadvantages experienced by peripheral industrial countries compared with the enormous advantages enjoyed by the privileged centrally placed Golden Triangle countries and called to question the entire concept of a European budget which incredibly penalised the poorer peripheral countries instead of applying the penalty the other way round .
2 I have since received a further letter from on his return from hospital , following his fourth heart attack .
3 This last point implies that psychoanalysis , as such , is not concerned with the truth or falsity of religious beliefs , and that it rather counteracts the earlier arguments about religious beliefs being neither justified by sense experience nor rational arguments .
4 Yes sir , the , you 'll recall that carrying out this re this particular review to finalise the er fire safety review and members have accepted the recommendations from that in which sought to ignore that although we have an limited number of specialists inspecting officers that we widened the remit of all employees in the Fire and Rescue Service so that all er operational fire fighters carried out some form of inspection , thereby producing a higher work output than before .
5 During his first term , Reagan and his staff eventually developed a better appreciation of the merits and responsibilities of legislators and came to realize that the making of policy required the executive branch to ‘ bargain with , cajole and otherwise court the legislative branch ’ .
6 Further research is required if we are to understand better the process of early retirement in a variety of circumstances and thereby build a sounder basis for policy .
7 Not for the normal reasons : that they 're failed creators ( they usually are n't ; they may be failed critics , but that 's another matter ) ; or that they 're by nature carping , jealous and vain ( they usually are n't ; if anything , they might better be accused of over-generosity , of upgrading the second-rate so that their own fine discriminations thereby appear the rarer ) .
8 The long-term asymptotic rise eventually adds a further increase of 2.1x10 -6 Hz to the rotation rate .
9 He was accepted as a younger brother of the Hull Trinity House in 1749 , eventually becoming an elder brother and three times warden , 1779 , 1785 , and 1792 .
10 Financial support was also given to the Royal Academy of Music 's ‘ Communication through Music ’ course on which students at the Academy perform in hospitals , hospices and homes for the elderly , thereby gaining a deeper awareness of the therapeutic and rehabilitative powers of music .
11 Accordingly , it is agreed that the smaller company will make a share exchange offer for the larger company , which , hopefully , will result in 90 per cent acceptances from the larger company 's shareholders and the implementation of the compulsory sale procedures , thereby enabling the smaller company to obtain 100 per cent control .
12 To undertake more redistribution the government will have to increase tax rates , thereby driving a larger wedge between the price paid by the purchaser and the price received by the seller of the good or service .
13 Thus where during the trader 's unsolicited visit an offer is made which is accepted only later , the customer effectively has a longer cooling-off period .
14 ‘ Significant downside risks ’ were that it would be ‘ very difficult to be sure when consumers will feel that their finances are sound enough to support a stronger growth of spending ’ .
15 It did not prevent infection ; it only checked the later multiplication of the parasite after infection had taken place .
16 As the most informative booklet points out , he only avoided the later excesses of the Nazis by conveniently dying in July 1933 .
17 The arrival of computer graphics will not only facilitate a wider access to geometry but will be , in an important sense , integral to doing geometry .
18 Advocacy schemes focus on the rights , entitlements and choices of individuals , but they do not generally much influence the wider issues of the way services are planned , shaped and managed .
19 ‘ It 's a question of horses for courses , finding the best route forward and adopting the practices to fit that rather than bulldozing your way through without perhaps realising the wider environment in which this needs to work , ’ says John Catford , director of the Health Promotion Authority for Wales and professor of health promotion at the University of Wales .
20 Of course , this merely begs the further question : of what is ‘ dignity ’ comprised ?
21 The group invites specialists to assist in writing these documents and so encourages a wider circle of advisers on the issues we discuss .
22 In creating this ambitious organization and in writing its constitution , I envisaged a powerful group of Sinophiles and business men working together to promote a greater measure of trade between Canada and China .
23 It is in this sense that the former has a greater valency and so constitutes a better learning investment .
24 Within the Six , the strongest support came from the West German Finance Minister , Ludwig Erhard , who had long favoured a broader European grouping than that being developed by the Six .
25 Glyn 's training suddenly got the better of him , but Jenna had no time to reply — the Frenchman did that smartly .
26 The addition of the provincial press , therefore , does not much affect the earlier conclusion about concentration among the nationals .
27 Gently curve the lower edge of the strip up to a 4cm point at the opposite end .
28 This is true in the sense that electors want stability and do not much want the higher thought .
29 Where borders are present , however , they are usually of fairly dark tesserae ( deep red is a favourite colour ) , so producing a stronger " proximity effect " than would lighter shades of large tesserae .
30 The rebels had apparently dropped an earlier insistence that the UN should take over main government ministries until elections .
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