Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] do " in BNC.

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1 I have to observe that there are some business leaders who have apparently succeeded in doing this , very frequently by forming conglomerates ; but I have never believed very much in the conglomerate .
2 A frightened boy , a boy who , in spite of trying with all his might to please the man who had married his mother , had only succeeded in doing the exact opposite .
3 There may be several reasons , concede Laws and Dennison ( 1990:276 ) , why primary heads appear so attracted to doing many things themselves .
4 Year after year the crisis never climaxed , perhaps prevented from doing so by the Committee 's success in improving the course and keeping the existing members together .
5 Yeah , so got ta do like ju just shorts and a T-shirt to match , and a short and top .
6 You 've only got ta do two more .
7 Well you only got ta do it once more so
8 Erm but that 's if you just progr project forward where we are cos we used up in , in three months what we should have done for the whole year so you 've only got ta do that , so we 've done a hundred thousand pounds this first quarter and if you 've four more , three more quarters there 's another three hundred thousand pounds over budget .
9 There are not many companies around who would be prepared to accommodate the needs of the individual in this way and Mr Guest deserves to be highly commended for doing so .
10 Other aspects of his answers are equally interesting : he admits to not having won any prizes or scholarships , having apparently settled for doing what was required — that , and no more !
11 So terrified of doing the wrong thing that they do nothing at all — except bleat like sheep about their petty rules and regulations and their morality .
12 Cos they do n't actually , if you do something like that , say you put plus five , minus five and then sit down and , you 're the one that plus three and minus three you do n't actually lose marks doing something wrong , you can not be penalised for doing it wrong , you can only gain credit for doing something right , because they 'll , give you five marks to doing that bit right and then knock three off for doing something else wrong , they , they would never give you penalty marks , they will only credit for doing things right , but so often it 's quite like down as you want , you ca n't .
13 Then said he , I am Saint Lazarus , and know that I was the leper to whom thou didst so much good and so great honour for the love of God ; and because thou didst this for his sake hath God now granted thee a great gift ; for whensoever that breath which thou hast felt shall come upon thee whatever thing thou desires to do , and shalt then begin , that shalt thou accomplish to thy heart 's desire , whether it be in battle or aught else , so thy honour shall go on increasing from day to day ; and thou shalt be feared both by Moors and Christians , and thy enemies shall never prevail against thee , and thou shalt die an honourable death in thine own house , and in thy renown , for God hath blessed thee ; — therefore go thou on , and evermore persevere in doing good ; and with that he disappeared .
14 Both Pry and the seller could normally exercise a right to withdraw , but may be personally barred from doing so .
15 the , Russ ' erm , done , well he 's already got a wall , just make it a bit bigger , an existing wall just taking it around the back so gon na do that in the summer I 'll erm , well in the spring , yeah gives er a bit , a bit of a practice
16 Cos I only wan na do one tape
17 Yeah there is is There 's an awful lot of suppose so about that you only gon na do one set of calculations rather than two are n't you ?
18 Well you 're only gon na do it once
19 I 'm only gon na do it for two days .
20 Not very erm easy to er when you , you ca n't just sort of er and Sue being you know , the type of person she is she 's erm only gon na do it er very enthusiastically , is n't
21 No he wo n't , only gon na do the two , they 're doing the , the Ullswater one and the Eskdale one
22 What we need is to find a safe place soon , and I 'd rather succeed in doing what we can than fail to do what we ca n't . "
23 They occupy the time that seems vacant , as if you were just hanging around doing nothing — but where in reality the well is filling up , where you are gathering together the material that will make up your narrative ; rearranging it , transforming it .
24 None of this meant that American companies were no longer interested in financing British filmmakers or even British ideas , but they were no longer committed to doing so , and did n't expect to be sufficiently involved to justify keeping offices in London .
25 Thus to persist In doing wrong extenuates not wrong , But makes it much more heavy .
26 I hope it 's light when I do my test I 've just got ta do a back got black sort of snow white and I 'm gon na do .
27 Er maybe it 's just got ta do with maturing and growing up , I think I 've started to grow up finally .
28 Jock , no-one can be bothered to work , but they 've just got ta do it .
29 Just got ta do what you can really have n't you ?
30 This is best understood by doing some exercises without any knitting on the machine .
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